Trump and Giulani have admitted multiple times that THEY DID IT!
Trump and Giulani have admitted multiple times that THEY DID IT!
Cognitive dissonance is a hell of a drug.
...we rarely consider how much better art could be if fewer assholes were allowed to make it.
As a woman chorister told NPR, “Plácido Domingo is a huge cash cow, and sometimes I feel like management cares more about money and reputation.”
Ah, so you’re happy to be an ignorant racist piece of trash. Got it.
Why the hell do we need different hair rules for different sexes or genders?
Why do you keep coming back if it’s boring? I tend to walk away from things that are boring me.
what is NOT awesome is playing stupid at dinner gatherings and THEN inhaling a kebab as a snack. It is dishonest and sad.
Yes. It happens regularly in other countries. For some reason, it’s mostly people who are poor or the racial minority who actually get prosecuted and jailed.
my father was reluctant to stuff himself into my child-sized chair, and he is much smaller than The Rock.
Saturation advertising will do that to you. I consciously avoid anything to do with the Kardashians. I’ve never watched the show and I don’t read articles about them. But just by glancing at the headlines and magazine covers to judge whether or not to avoid them, I know all their names and am roughly up to date with…
...a cohort of edgelords for whom politics has become a tribal bloodsport, yet paradoxically have nothing of substance at risk with any of these elections (save their egos).
I don’t see an heir apparent.
Wonder what Bette Midler’s record is on urging her Twitter followers to vote?
You started with Smug logical fallacy you honestly thought was a good argument. Then moved onto Grudging concession of point too obvious to deny and moving the goalposts to a new logical fallacy. You galloped through Trying to save face by pretending you were ignoring me and didn’t care I’d shredded your shitty and…
Oh, you’re not worth my time, do know that other people can read this, don’t you? They may be learning something, or appreciate the explanations about why your answers are bullshit.
Friendly reminder to all commentators that making fun of Dan Crenshaw’s missing eye is body shaming, and it’s not OK even though he’s Dan Crenshaw.
The worst is getting flack from far left Dems, who in their moral high ground think insulting someone with one eye is uncalled for because it somehow insults EVERYONE ELSE with vision issues...
Read back; you said you weren’t reading the moist paragraph. That really wasn’t a great indication of what you were or weren’t reading.
Hey, you have time because it’s Friday! Sorry to tell you I’m not one of the people upset by the word “moist”. I do get irritated by people saying “reach out” when they mean “contact”, if that’s helpful. Not nearly as edgy though, I suppose.