Tool of the Matriarchy

...a man’s most primal fear is that a woman will laugh at him.

...I refuse to use “Latinx”, not because I have anything against inclusive language but because I think it’s a stupid choice of word, and as a Latin American...

And if your eye causes you to sin, gouge it out and throw it away.” Words of Jesus, Matthew 18:9.

Hopefully it will piss off a lot of people who might otherwise have voted One Nation in the upcoming election as well. ScoMo has FINALLY, very reluctantly, agreed to put One Nation last on preferences. Which will piss off a lot of One Nation supporters who will likewise last-preference the LNP, and that may well cost

Yeah, I made an assumption and it was wrong.  Thanks for the correction.

I’m afraid Christianity became a tool for oppression and capitalism long before modern times. The writings attributed to Paul (mid-late 1st C CE) show Jesus’ contemporaries were already squabbling over things like what Christians should wear, what role women should play, and how Christians should interact with

“When you pray, do not be like the hypocrites! They love to stand up and pray in the houses of worship and on the street corners, so that everyone will see them. I assure you, they have already been paid in full.” Matthew 6:5

Suggestion; there’s a difference between “have more and worse crashes” and “have more crashes that insurance companies have to pay for”.

“The NRA opposes domestic violence and all violent crime, and spends millions of dollars teaching countless Americans how not to be a victim and how to safely use firearms for self-defense,”

Slightly OT, but it’s just been revealed the NRA met with reps of Australia’s most prominent far-right political party to discuss funding them, in return for them working to loosen Australia’s gun laws. It’s causing QUITE the shitstorm.

I’d say have the gun and taser well separated, and hold training drills where someone randomly yells out “Gun!” or “Taser!” with the officer having to draw the correct one. To keep carrying a gun, they have to pass a test where they consistently draw the correct item within a given time.

Thank you for the information. I assumed that it would be like touching an electric fence, where the electricity moves from one body to another.  The more you know.

Sexual predators aren’t going to recuse themselves from their good causes, because that shit is their combined camouflage and shield.

This...smells bad.

To echo Bae Bae Watt’s comment; the problem is not that Blood responded with force. The problem is that she shot Mr. Lewis when (she claimed) she meant to taser him. If an officer’s utility belt is configured so they can accidentally grab the lethal option when they’re going for the non-lethal, that’s a problem.

They rely too much on local Coast Guard and Naval Units.

Well, that’s magnificent.

No apology necessary! It’s not pedantry when it makes a difference. All you need to deal with a poisonous toad, is a pair of gloves. A venomous toad is a completely different, and much scarier, proposition.

First, I’m very sorry. I expressed myself really badly, and upset and offended you (and probably others). I fucked up royally.