Tool of the Matriarchy

For creepy people, the turn on is the power of knowing the victim doesn’t know they’re being watched.  It’s giving me the shivers just thinking about it.  I hope every one of the creeps who were paying for this footage, are securely jailed or at least on a watch list.  Abusers and rapists, the lot of them.

So it’s a Specialist Women’s Health clinic...with only one medical dr. and a bunch of naturopaths...that doesn’t offer HRT or abortions and isn’t receptive to trans and gender-queer people. The place is fucking Goop maximised for Instagram, with a data-mining feature.

Australian here. We have a two-tier system.

Firstly, every Australian citizen is covered by Medicare. The routine is, first see your GP, who refers you to a specialist if necessary. The specialist will then decide what care you need, and how urgently. If you present at an emergency department, the doctors there will

Ah, you are correct.  Sorry.

...if you mix the frogs in a one-to-one ratio with some green waste, and then shovel it all into a wood chipper, you’d get some pretty good compost.


Their basic argument is God made the body perfect so putting anything extra in it is ungodly.

But I still didn’t like it when my infant got all those vaccines in one visit. I would much rather have had them spaced out, but my pediatrician is so vehemently ANTI-anti vaxx, they would rather lose patients than do it any other way...

West Australian here. Visits to GPs and specialists are subsidised or free. All treatment in emergency departments and public hospitals is free. Outpatient treatment from public hospitals is free. People with chronic health conditions receive up to 12 visits a year to allied health professionals for free. All child

I feel like peeping on people who don’t know they’re being filmed is one of the least sexiest things I can think of.

Especially the victims of spy cam or illegally taken videos say that when they encounter people on the street, they feel like they would be recognized.

In Australia, I think they’re placed in freezers.  Because they’re exothermic, dying of cold doesn’t cause the same pain it does to an endothermic mammal (where the body fights to maintain its core temperature).  It’s a very quick and humane death.

Also why so many men are so aggressive about their daughter’s boyfriends. They don’t want her treated the way they treated their young girlfriends.

I’ve just listened to that.  It’s absolutely horrifying.  

Prenatal testing for Down Syndrome, and abortion of fetuses carrying it, means that fewer people with Down Syndrome are being born. That’s sparked a lot of ethical debate about the value of people with disabilities in general, and Downs in particular.

It’s not true that all homophobes are closeted gays. Some are just arseholes.

...the two lead homicide inspectors on the case, Maureen D’Amico and Michael Johnson, not only made up evidence against Trulove but withheld evidence that would have helped him.

As an Australian, the mere fact that the US has PRIVATE adoption agencies horrifies me.  All Australian adoptions are organised through the state child safety agency and heavily regulated.  Allowing adoptions to be organised by for-profit businesses is an obvious recipe for disaster.

Fuck Jenny McCarthy, fuck Generation Rescue and fuck all these ghouls associated with it. Fuck anyone who sees their autistic loved one as “broken”. Fuck everyone who tries to “cure” autism.

I’m Australian, and we do elections hella well. I’d like to recommend the two biggest bastions of democracy in our system.