
What the manufacturer claims as MPG is not really what matters. What the average driver gets in real life is.

it will do over 100mph with just a chiptuning. It feels like it wants to kill you at 90, but if you ride out the tankslapper aand keep your foot down it can go fast(ish)..

It's a money thing, it's complicated but I'll try to explain:

I saw a Deawoo Lanos 4x4 the other day. This made me sad.

Yeah. No, not really. I drive trough most of Europe for my work and Belgium is far worse. They suck at driving, period.

We also have fantastic tanning salons, I think you will like it here.

Yes I've been to Syria, I have no opinion on any country or religion in the middle east. None.

Great idea, you should send Oompa Loompa's to fight Isis.

We're a soft country, in general. I like it that way. But if you fuck with motorcycle gangs you will end up dead. I'm not joking, they run organized crime in my city. You will be shot by an orange looking dude on an ugly motorcycle, and you will hate yourself while you bleed to death.

Believe it or not, there are things that are not legal here. Like murder and extortion for example. "Motorcycle clubs" are quite good at that stuff too. Not saying they will beat ISIS, but these guys are a bit scary for real.

You made me drive all the way to work for this at 8 in the morning, damn you Torch!

Mazda 787b girl

11 weeks. It took my local government eleven weeks to install the free charger in front of my house. If you live in an apartment in Amsterdam and have no means of installing your own charger, they will do it for you. For free. Also, I can now park my car in front of my house without circling the block to look for a

what, because they lost the war?

I'm ok with this.

I had to laugh while reading that. Because, even if it's not that fast from 0-60 that engine will will sound like it's going to suck the hair off your head. That's possibly the most insane engine you could put in this thing.

Aw, I should have mentioned our parking in Amsterdam. They call it "the buttocks" because they kinda look like them. Also it has 18.000 naked people in it. Well not all the time obviously, but this one time it did.

Please make a decent effort at covering the race, if you've even watched it. There was a bit more going on than VR crashing. Also, no spoilers please. A lot of people watch the race later.

The Dutch also agreed to send a few f16's , but we're not flying them over Syria because that sounds dangerous. But feel free call us when you need help, we do prefer to fly above Disneyland only though.

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