Does the new design also extricate the G+ bullshit that never belonged on YouTube? I’m guessing not. I’m also guessing hell will freeze over before they actually freaking do that, though I thought I read they were supposedly going to last year.

Glad to hear of this. Youtube’s design is so cluttered, almost any change would be an improvement.

Needs more pastel and pleats.

I don’t really care for her music, but you aren’t wrong.

Not having to tip is one of the best things about using Uber. Glad to see the company recognizes that.

After a few years drinking the swill at work (Folgers bulk, in a coffee maker that hasn’t been cleaned in, umm...) I bought a cheap french press and buy whatever ground coffee I feel like for that week... Yes, I get it pre-ground, I know its not as good, but I’m making this at my desk! Easy, fast, actually drinkable,

I think the first thing he built was a clone vat. So it actually takes several clones and funerals to make each video.

Quick!!! Stop the presses! Alert the editor that we have a new front page article for the morning edition “Rival automaker calls others automakers product garbage while touring the technological prowess of their own”

Kerbal Space Program has prepared me to understand this. Ion propulsion: slow but efficient. Good job, video game.

$233 billion is a lot for you, me, the state I live in, and most small countries. It is not that big of a deal compared to the US economy. It took Apple 10 years+ to pile up that money. The Federal Government spends more than twice that on the military EVERY YEAR.
The entire US Economy is worth around $17 Trillion or

I thought the “late eating” warning was debunked... ie, it doesn’t matter if you eat late (from a dieting perspective). Certainly, if such activity gives you heartburn or whatever, then be wary of that... but otherwise it seems fine. Anecdotally, in my case, I sleep better on a full stomach (I get less heartburn)...

As a life-long insomniac and workaholic, I’d add: Don’t even try to sleep hungry. Yeah, it’s dark and we shouldn’t be eating, but a rumbling tummy is worse. A simple, small midnight snack is not going to destroy your diet nearly as much as starvation the following morning. Carbs + dairy is always a good bet. I like a

ditchweed from mexico is most likely headed to other parts of the country, us Californians can get fine locally grown product.

Who smuggles marijuana into California?

At ones near or on military bases you can find stuff from all over the world.

not bad at all.

Around $600 in Amazon gift cards.

I'm terribly confused. I thought it was racist garbage that should never have been made...