The guy who missed the good part of the thread

Cmon, in what way is paying people to write down antisemetic slogans not funny?

Mel brooks loves crossing that line but then again he’s actually funny the only lines in comedy are how funny you are and your ability to sell a joke.

Supposedly it was going pretty well until MJ started flashing his 6 rings, talking about how the Knicks couldn’t beat him in his prime, and that they haven’t won shit since 1973.

To be fair, a black guy playing golf is pretty uppity, is the kind of thing racist people think.

Most people I know would be thrilled to get a letter from the President elect.

Using illegal cheats in competitive online games is in no way similar to speed running.

How do you do, fellow cheaters?

What kind of sad little shit cheats at online games?

People who hate all lawyers because they’ve been told to suck and are boring too.