
I’m just gonna leave this here.

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“Suboptimal for city traffic?” I beg to differ:

Do fake heart attacks count as excuses?

This is why I read Jalopnik.

It’s about your favorite cars, Jason.

he doesnt have the money to sport one, his parents do

In Miami you have to take the driver’s test while talking on the phone.

For what it’s worth, I don’t hate the Prius. Prius drivers, on the other hand...

When speaking of Salma Hayek’s cleavage, cars are not the vehicle you should have in mind. It should be motorboats.

“asked if he could test drive it for a day or two.”

Big deal. I found half of a sleeping UAW worker under the 3rd row of my Traverse.

Please, stop, fighting, Mercedes, Benzes. (William Shatner rendition)

punctuation makes big difference in sentence meaning

I see you don’t do “humour”.

This is why we can’t have nice things: if this were happening stateside, there would be that one idiot that thinks “shit, I’ll just stand on the other side of the road so that I don’t have to run as far to help them when they crash”. That person would die, and then the family would sue, and all future rallies would

I kept thinking that in a fair world Diana Rigg would’ve been cast as Daenerys, and they’d work some CGI magic to make her younger. She’s just the greatest.

“Used to be, to get canonized in the world of cycling you need three miracles. Nowadays a guy gets canonized, two of his miracles are motodoping and the third is a card trick.”

CP, but closer to $4k it would be an interesting toy. Even if it was just to show up at shelby specific car shows and piss off the mustang guys. (insert obligatory joke about the dangers of mustangs at car shows here)

Find me a better way to use a Trailblazer besides doing “sweet jumps” off of it, and I’ll cut you an insurance fraud based check!