
I’m fully aware of everything in this article. I however, still choose to shower every day because despite commonly held belief, I am not in fact a goddamn savage.

I ask anyone who reads this to continue and shower every day. Specially if you take public transportation or sit in a cubicle farm.

A leaf blower is very effective especially for very long duct runs or where the exit hole is too high to get to conveniently. As a side note, leaf blowers also work well on baby pools or inflatable mattresses that have large vent holes normally used to deflate quickly. In less than a minute you have them inflated

Leaf blower or shop vac blowing . Remove duct from dryer, attached to hose, seal it off.

My former condo maintenance guy came in annually with a leaf blower that he made a fitting for that fit the duct. He took off the screen/cover outside, disconnected the dryer inside, and blew it out from the inside for about a minute. Worked like a charm.

But what about for men?