
I remember hearing some conservative doofus rambling on about something called the “militant homosexual agenda” a while back, and I seriously wonder where these cretins get this shit from. I’m sick and tired of the age of conservative “if we believe it hard enough it becomes the truth” that we live in.

Puerto Rico?

It’s absolutely gaslighting, maybe less subtle than you might like but gaslighting nonetheless. The difference I guess is the far-right-wing narrative of Warren lying about her heritage for personal gain has already been established, even if it’s been debated and explained (and debunked for that matter) for years. The

There’s a Trump Timewarp Tweet for every occasion, isn’t there!

hah, I love pointing out you can’t spell “conservative” without “CON”

As my wingnut boss might say, “Missiles...and also gov’t contracts to handpicked businesses to rebuild areas in other countries that those missiles destroy...are for everyone!”

Just what the community needs, a church either full of or run by a bunch of inner psychopaths with murder fantasies. I bet they all pray that God sends a troublemaker to them some day. Those signs are disgusting, I thought Christians were all about “all are welcome in this place” and “thou shall not kill.” Pfft.

Thanks for the reply, and for the reference to the Bible you gave...I would imagine to the most evangelical of American evangelicals telling them they’re behaving like the Pharisees would at least sting ‘em right in the grey matter for a little while.

It’s funny how that works, where Atheism is far more Christian-like than “American Christianity.” I guess we could also say that American Christianity is a “scourge” on the nation that has more in common with the people using the scourges on Jesus than Jesus himself!

At least he apologized and said whatever about the ethics investigation but still, UGH. I’m reading his book right now, too. Double ugh.

That’s what I thought, and it’s such a giant pissoff. Let’s put America First by rewarding the individuals and businesses that haven’t put America First in years or in some cases never. To paraphrase a friend of mine, it’s like Trump is behaving as though he’s all bent that Obama pissed a little on the toilet seat,

Haha, if you sound like that, your personal accent is probably more than acceptable to my overly sensitive ears...where I come from, we don’t have a real accent, just an outright inability to pronounce our “t’s” unless at the beginning of a word. What’s weird is the further west in upstate NY you get, the more

I kid, I kid, sorry to offend you. I said I was petty!

Doesn’t our savior Trump want to get that money back into into the country by REWARDING the super rich and extremely wealthy corporations for using overseas shelters?

I think it’s because there are a lot of us who can’t help hating on people who have “too much success.” You see it a lot in the sports worlds, there are just as many haters as fans of the Patriots and you always see it and feel it when the Yankees are winning at baseball again.

That says it all esp when you consider that almost 30% of Alabama people say they are more likely to vote for Roy Moore in light of the allegations.

Holy shit, you’re probably right.

Roy Moore has doubled down and promises “revalations on the motivations” or some shit on the women who the Post got to talk. I hope that the one who Jack Probiotics doxxed at least gets some “thank yous” from those against this Moore douchebag.

Thanks for the Ray Handley reference...I had hopes for McAdoo but just... wow. It took an extra season but it’s just like Ray Handley all over again! We Giants fans are all bracing ourselves for some awkward Dave Brown/Danny Kanell/Kent Graham style QB musical chairs years. Speaking of Dave Brown, he SUUUUUUUCKED and

“and their bodies burned away...and their limbs all hacked and mangled..” brave Sir Godzooks!