One of my favorite new words I learned!!! Best regards to you and I hear you on the Oligarchy deal.
One of my favorite new words I learned!!! Best regards to you and I hear you on the Oligarchy deal.
If you wanted to be kinder and gentler Plutocracy and Oligarchy also work, if you wanted to be even meaner go with Kakistocracy. Kleptocracy is a word well suited to this administration, tho.
Most Trump supporters can’t even tell what his administration has done RIGHT let alone all the wrong. I just keep telling them, when I must interact with them that GOP policy SUCKS and add that “making liberals cry” does not sound policy make. I have no problem telling any of them that they are nazi sympathizers and…
Wow, all I can say after reading Paul Ryan’s latest verbal diarrhea is for all the finger pointing the right does at the left for politicizing mass shootings they are always the ones that politicize it first. Why do people not see this and why does the elected officials of the limp left not jump all over things like…
The aggravating part is while all of these assholes are indeed different people, they all say the same shit, bobble headed douchebags all of ‘em, and on top of that it’s like they have a constant supply of money to do what they do, so outrage inducing. I specifically remember a youtube video that a “facebook friend”…
I was going to say if you’re not going right to the youtube and getting your news from bearded white guys with fashy haircuts and spectacles you’re doing it wrong
I live down the road from a decent sized public park in my city and I go for jogs all the time all around. Sometimes I get to jog by some serious cricket matches in the park with lots of spectators during the spring and summer. I find it to be pretty frickin awesome, watching the matches play out and seeing the…
Maybe “wasting school holidays” refers to the Asian and Indian people who supposedly don’t celebrate “christian” holidays, therefore those various off days from school are wasted somehow?
The point the writer makes is that the press protects presumption of innocence to an extraordinary degree when it’s a man accused of sex crimes by a woman. All she suggests is that the press craft headlines and text that reflect what the women actually say, versus trying to keep things “politically correct” on behalf…
I know, I know. Was just thinking that here we are almost in November 2017, ten months into the term, and the goddamn President of the United States is out here feeding an easily disproven claim about Michael Moore’s Broadway show on Twitter to his base.
So one thing I learned from reading your columns/articles that really stuck with me is: It’s a much better attack to label these people “white supremacists” and/or “nazi sympathizers” than it is to label these people “racist.” It made sense when you fully broke it down that one time.
Sad that this is what it’s come to, a president who can’t help but lie about anything and everything to rile up an easily manipulated base.
yeah I know, which is why I’m all “I’d like to think” all the time these days. But I guess this speculation was much ado about nothing, for it looks like “Just Say NO” is back after Trump’s big announcement!
Is there a “Trump Timewarp Tweet” out there that contradicts his “I’ve never had a drink ever” statement? There’s gotta be.
Oh look, here’s McCain, Flake and Corker speaking out on Trump during the day. Oh look now, it’s the evening aaaaaaand our new heroes all voted “yay” on protecting banks against lawsuits from consumers that they’ve ripped off. While on their way to a tuxedo/bowtie gala. This is what the GOP is all about in the age of…
If they do go after legal weed, I’d like to think it’ll spell political suicide for them. You never know, but apparently 64% of republicans support legalization of the pot at this point. Even that asshole Gov LePage in Maine seems to get it.
I was already having a tough time realizing that anytime I’m out in public and looking around at people, one out of every three people think that Trump is doing a whiz-bang job of being president. Now I gotta look around and realize that over fucking half of white people think they’re being oppressed in some way b/c…
I love the “you believe this shit?” look on skeptical kid in the top photo’s face.
I hope this is a new “counter-series in the comments” for these MKT,T posts because this really cracked up my filthy mind.