
And it’s the 14 year old girls that have to “toughen up,” or if they can’t handle problems with bullies they should just go to a different school (just like women who don’t like getting harrassed at their workplace should just go find another place to work). The bullying suicide problem, solved bigly.

So she’s going to stand with, as I’m sure they are known in her inner circle, “SJW, special snowflake, libtarded leftards,” then? Also, I’d enjoy a good tar and feathering in 2017, someone make it happen.

don’t forget the rest of coach’s quotable, “...and we let em off the hook!” We can’t let em off the hook.

This should be like a monthly petition...bi-weekly even, because you only need 100k signatures within 30 days for a formal response from the white house, and you KNOW 100k people signing for Trump to release his tax returns would be easy, especially with this president signing off on the draconian measures he’s gonna

before I went on my indefinite facebook hiatus I followed Republican Jesus for laughs. No laughing matter now, but I’d love to make some signs with some of his teachings for the eventual protesting.

There are plenty of dirty stories on Puzder already, like the wife beating allegations.

The possibility exists that one can both vent on internet forums to get out their pent up aggression AND also get involved in their communities simultaneously, ya know. And the choice imo wasn’t exactly the simpleton South Park analogy you stated, it was more like a dinner choice of either unsalted crackers or a

I said before on here (I think) that my boss is very much a reagan conservative, into a strong dept of defense...I was debating with him about how the DoD literally wasted like $15 trillion due to shitty accounting over the course of two decades, and he replied with “that’s ok, because they work on top secret stuff.

isn’t Flynn the dude pictured at that dinner with Putin that Jill Stein was at for some reason too? I think they even sat at the same table

I brought this up on another website. Someone somewhere should host a March Madness-style tournament for Punchiest Face. Thinking of the potential matchups makes me grin. Cruz would be the favorite but honestly I like this guy Chaffetz’s chances in that sort of contest. That’s a face of a guy who thinks he’s

someone failed creative writing. You read that “calling liberals snowflakes hurts their feelings” somewhere on the internetz, didn’t you?

Just keep your hand on the shoulder of the nazi in front of you, and your other hand on the ball sack of the nazi behind you, just like you’ve done your whole life.

Speak for yourself, you bastion of bobbleheaded creativity, you.

I heard Steve Largent talk about this on sports radio (Largent I think is a hall of fame wide receiver from the Seattle Seahawks who became a congressperson). After he went to Washington, he became an admirer of how slow of a pace govt works at.

fucking shit, I just realized that my father has a genetic heart condition (hypertrophic cardio myopathy) that I have to get tested for regularly, my sister too. All the uncertainty.

oh yeah I saw that one on the internetz, it takes your breath away when you encounter this live in person tho, like I just don’t know what to say.

I can empathize, my wife is on disability for GAD, PTSD and Bipolar II. The insurance I have thru work covers “generic only” medication, so she relies on samples from her psych med doc for one of her meds, the one med costs close to 800 for a 30 day supply. The poor lady freaks the fuck out when she’s running low,

I have seen examples of “lower-end” GOP voters, who wish to do away with “Obamacare” because they are already “insured under the Affordable Care Act through the exchange and it’s great.” They really have no clue that the ACA and OC are one and the same. This whole shit show is quite stunning from the bottom to the

It is almost as if all of these extremely rich well to do folks entrusted with running the country WANT lots of people to die off and leave more world resources for themselves and their own families to then enjoy with their endless wealth and powerconsolidated for generations. Nah, that can’t be it, Trump is MY voice,

I wonder how the “End Citizens United” movement is going. :(