
Reminds me of when Clinton won his first term, wow, the main debate of Bush vs Clinton that I can remember was that Clinton’s foreign policy exp was highly limited, however Bush got knocked around big time on domestic policy..he on the other hand was the “elite” who was out of touch with mainstream America, and I

Yes, but how else are we all going to afford tax cuts for rich people, expansion of corporate welfare and most importantly more nukes? It’s gonna hurt but they gotta cut SOMEWHERE. Suzy Singlemom, yes I get it, she won’t be able to get her annual breast cancer screening on the cheap anymore but even Suzy can agree

You know what, I thought more about your examples of the Arab Spring and the folks getting slaughtered in Syria and how twitter was ever so useful in those cases and I take back my apology. I’m just a stupid old man who doesn’t know shit but fuck it, everyone’s opinion is of top shelf value in this day and age so my

Point well taken, please forgive me for forgetting about that when it comes to that platform.

not disagreeing, in fact I think the Lincoln movie illustrates the same things, getting things done by modifying your message to different audiences on the same issue. Which while we’re at it let’s come full circle to HRC’s hacked comment about “public versus private,” which she got torn the fuck apart over, which is

hey man, I’m a no good dirty car salesperson and I didn’t vote for that orange tinted twitter troll. No argument on the other point though...I’d guess that Fucknut the Trump Supporter (TM) could also be a working stiff who points his/her fingers at poor people’s EBT purchases as the reason why they can’t make the

Yes, I don’t disagree, the dems and Obama were/are timid and weak when it comes to some things, a lot more things than they think.

honestly, it would be fabulous for the world if some rich douche or turd could just buy twitter with the sole purpose of shutting it all down permanently. Maybe I’m just an “old” but it doesn’t sound like anything good ever comes from twitter aside from an occasional laugh...world leaders casually “tweeting” about

Was reading about this on the Gizmodo site (“we’re all going to die” was in their headline), and granted I’m a nobody who doesn’t know anything about anything, but it would seem to me that putting more nukes out there would open the possibilities of hostile states or organizations acquiring them. What if the GOP’s

That Fox News tweet above wraps up everything wrong with America, the world, the supposedly liberal media. Scott Baio’s opinion about the election nearly a month and a half after election day is not newsworthy...it’s not worthy of being broadcast on TV, it’s not worthy of making into a lame-ass meme to share on the

yes, a classic “I’m going to parody a dumb SJW, that’ll show em” troll.

you know what? Fuck it. Alarmist rhetoric, fear, hatred, terror, it WORKS. It worked for them with the “when Obama says “we’re not talking about taking anyone’s guns away” he REALLY means “we’re coming to take ALL of your guns away”” bullshit. It worked for them with the “poor people, minorities and illegal

not to go and be superficial or anything, but allow me to be superficial and knock whoever it was in the media that insisted this “man” has “prom king good looks” or whatever the hell was said about him. This dude is just another ugly ass right wing punchy face imo. Alt-ugly.

I would agree with this except it’s ultimately an insult to car salespeople, of which I am one. Now, since I am a Car Salesperson, I have a bad habit but reliable knack for pre-judging people just by looking at their faces. There are people who just have that “look.” Trump, Gingrich, Bannon, Alex Jones, you know