
I’ll help you out. The next time the PS5 goes up on walmart and sales out instantly (like the day before Thanksgiving), KEEP REFRESHING THE PAGE AFTER. The majority of the spam stops when the SOLD OUT comes up - and Walmart restocks them minutes after due to Credit Card Declines/Multiple orders that get auto-canceled.

You missed “spend all day reseting the Walmart purchase page” as a tip. 

It’sh only natural that Sean Connery would drag his archnemesis to the afterlife.

In this century:

Everyone on CNN needs a months worth of rest.  I mean John King is basically merged with the Magic Wall at this point.  

I think one of the biggest issues of South Park that the show has never addressed is why Stan, Kyle and Kenny continue to hang out with Cartman. Cartman is a bigot and fascist and both Stan and Kyle constantly admit they hate his guts. Yet why do they hang out with him. It’s even more concerning considering that Stan

Ghost of Tsushima Version 1.2 Now with Dave Bautista

Also Obligatory


Here I was, thinking that the missing touch was the stubbled, smarmy face of a middle-aged white guy.

I have a pretty tragic one. My best friend wanted to see how much he could level up in the first reactor in FF7 so he spent literally days grinding out those level 1? enemies and managed to get his entire party to level 40....which if you’ve played the game you know is RIDICULOUS. You’d be around level 6-7 when you