I wonder why the world thinks ‘mericans are dumb as doornails?
The manual :-)
Glad to see folks follow the Tesla model :-)
Because U-Haul :-)
LMAO - Florida is to the US, what the US is to the world..........
Moral of the story.......... Don’t fuck with the Russians!
Mamma always said, be nice to the people on your way up, coz you are going to need them on your way down. This will not end well for those seizing Russian property :-)
Nation of retards!
The US has truly become a nation of retah’ds :-)
Welcome my son, welcome to the machine (AKA Capitalism)!
Welcome my son, welcome to the machine (AKA capitalism)
You lost me at Harley Live...... I would say most of your issues were because of bad engineering on Harley’s side. How can a pure electric appliance not have an emergency cut off for the Li-Ion and the 12V battery! That’s just pure shit engineering. Also, in this day and age not making the USB port visible is just…
All I needed to know at this point: “Therefore, we again want to highlight that DEWETRON neither approved nor validated any test results. No DEWETRON employee was present during the record attempt or its preparations.”
Please don’t compare Tesla to GM or Ford. At this moment in history, everything GM touches dies, while Ford in mainlining its own destruction. Tesla on the other hand is so much more than a car company and growing :-)
It’s becoming harder and harder to stay a fan of Jalopnik....... The site is bloated beyond belief with ads and crap that takes forever to load and to boot, the rebranding has made it worse trying to find articles, read and comment.
Everyday the US moves closer to being a full fledged Banana Republic!
Damn it Maserati, why you announcing an MC20 in 2020? Why, why, why!
Looks awesome, but if I was king of the world, I’d have them keep the curved side bright work and would have gone with Panasport wheels.................... But I am not king of the world, not even a queen, but a pleb!
This is a false statement - “...we’ve built a system in which the rich always do just fine...”. We have built a system in which the rich will always continue doing better and getting richer.