I worry about kids these days. Young folks. The youths, as I understand they call themselves. I worry that even if…
I worry about kids these days. Young folks. The youths, as I understand they call themselves. I worry that even if…
I don't think a German car will have a SS badge. Although, it would make for good writing.
That's a lot of history to carry, but fortunately the Civic sedan has a pretty capacious boot. This one also seems to have all its trim and looks to be in great shape, at least aesthetically. The seller does claim that comes with the ORIGINAL ALLOY WHEELS & CENTER CAPS and I for one would love to see those. The wheels…
While I feel sad for the families of MH370, I don't think that Ferrari deserves any of the blame. No one could have anticipated this and they booked a hotel as they usually do. There is no correct course of action in a case like this. Ferrari would find it difficult to rebook its team in such a short space of time and…
Here's the official Hungarian car catalogue from 1974 issued by the state-owned Merkur Company, your one and only…
It seems like the plastichrome movement is finally dying, but its ugliness is still all over the road. Never understood who that was for. "Man, what I'd really love is a bunch of plastic on my car that was shiny and reflective like chrome, but looked terrible!"
I had a big long post and my phone ate it. Bullet point mode:
The point of this ad is saying "your dog is about to meet the same demise as old GM"
How a great little car can fit in with the big boys.
everybody on 3
Mike Patton can do no wrong. And FNM is still a great rock band. There needs to be more like them in this world. Them and Tool got me through my high school years.
The next Forza car pack should be the "craigslist specials" car pack and have things like a decrepit 3000gt where one of the dual tips was replaced with a single and it has mismatched rims. And a C5 vette with some bolt-ons and a loud noise but a too-hard suspension and ruined seats so your camera shifts around a lot.…
How about Turbros?
"Some may call it sacrilege, but I actually found the Pontiac Firebird to be the prettier, albeit more overlooked sister of the Chevrolet Camaro."
Who would call that sacrilege? Pontiac made the better car, but the only one I'd have (2nd-gen and up anyway) is a Trans Am.
Neither the boat nor its captain had ever crossed the Atlantic before, which is what employers traditionally refer to as "job experience" when hiring you for something, but the captain was all "I got this, bro," and the Pilgrims decided "well that's good enough" and headed out.
As an owner of an ST and a father of 2 kids ... I can attest to the utility that the Focus has ... Also, at 6'2", I could barely fit in the Scion.
One other thing ... the Scion has a terrible interior. The radio looks like it came out of a mid 80's Celica