
Pulsar (Sunny) GTi-R was AWD from the factory, very much a handful to drive when on boost. Sometimes I miss mine, but they were horribly unreliable with gearboxes made from chocolate.

Actually, it’s all Ohio.

I no longer care. If companies have not learned by now to take their network security seriously, then fuck them as hard as possible.

Fucking morons like you fix nothing.

Fuck off moron.

It’s almost as if just-in-time delivery has some sort of flaw. /s

I never get tired of RWNJ self pwnage.

I could not figure out who Bob was, and then I saw the pending.

All thanks to the FOP, the largest domestic terrorist organization, IMHO.

The police must be held accountable when lying on reports. If we lie on official documentation to our government, we are held accountable, as should the police.

Great to know. Now can we do something about it besides giving police more money and training

You mean to tell me that the police.... LIED about their misbehavior?

Considering that all crime statistics are based on what the police reported, it all comes with a big ol’ asterisk. Violent crime is falling? Or maybe it’s rising! Nobody knows anything, because the people responsible for reporting and classifying this information are completely unreliable.

As a young adult in the 2000s I wasted too much time listening to Fox News and other right wing news sources. You wouldn’t believe just how many people the Clintons had murdered. Did you know Obama is a Muslim and not born in Hawaii? Al Gore imagined man-made climate change so he could control you. They all want to

Of course that’s probably not the average you meant

A more precise scale does make sense. My thermostat will often report it being 22c, but it will feel hot or cold on any given day. I imagine an F scale would demonstrate where that actually sits with more precision, i.e. the decimals that are there in C, but not actually shown on my device.

“It can drive itself” - in a *very* limited set of circumstances.

So it’s “full self-driving,” but not “full self-driving by itself.”

All I know is that I better get a season 3 for Mythic Quest

The walrus was Paul.