Which sucks because there’s still antiquated IT equipment out there that REQUIRES old ass java versions to run, and IE was the easiest/quickest way to get that shit to run. Looking at you, EMC VNX’s.
Which sucks because there’s still antiquated IT equipment out there that REQUIRES old ass java versions to run, and IE was the easiest/quickest way to get that shit to run. Looking at you, EMC VNX’s.
I don’t think they said it will be sliced specifically for YOUR sandwich JIT. Just that they won’t be opening packs of pre-sliced Hilshire Farms style lunchmeat. They’ll likely slice up 2lbs of turkey and ham in the morning and stick it in the same container that held the pre-sliced meat.
He’s even said that he won’t really do ‘big beefy’ roles for much longer, if at all anymore, and more specifically Drax. He said he’s 54 years old and it’s just way too much work to maintain the physique and it’s not going to get any easier.
Is that even legally like... culpable? “She signaled me to jump off the roof and I’d be fine... but I still broke my legs. It’s her fault!” It’s like blaming the GPS for driving into a lake. “But it said turn left!”
Usually happens when they’re leaving a well lit place like a gas station or similar. It’s light enough that it doesn’t click in your brain to turn the lights on.
But so what if Sony IS affected. It’s not a monopoly is the argument. If Sony has all these successful exclusives themselves, they remain a viable alternative. Sony is on top of the mountain currently, and have been for 10+ years. MSFT is affected every time Sony buys a studio and/or buys game exclusivity. If they…
Yeah like, I don’t fully *agree* with the take, but I see where she’s coming from, especially when they need to make the argument that it won’t damage Sony. It’s a disingenuous, lawyer-ese argument, but it’s got SOME merit, even if only from a certain point of view.
Yeah, it’s this. Your work laptop isn’t yours. It belongs to the company who lets you use it. I used to have people who, when putting in their notice, would ask me to move their music/movies/photos/etc to a thumb drive so they could keep them. I always said we’re not allowed to touch personal stuff since if there’s…
They should make a second show that’s just American Idol except its just R&M auditions with Dan Harmon, Chris Parnell, Sarah Chalke and Spencer Grammar as judges.
I happens all the time everywhere. Not always with such sensitive data, but still. I worked for a company that as part of one of our products did a credit and background check on applicants that used the system. They also had DEBUG level logging on in JBoss. Those logs, in plain text on the server and parsed and…
These companies do need these people. But they’re willing to inflict a little damage on themselves in the short term to flood the market with talent in order to raise the supply and be able to lower the wages. I truly believe that this is all an attempt to force people to take less money.
I’m not disagreeing with you in the least. However, I don’t think the stance would be taken by the Democrats with the same rationale. The Democrats also don’t run on a ‘DEY TOOK YER JERBS!’ platform.
Again, let’s not act like the US corporations wouldn’t do it if they could. In fact, a lot of them do... just in other countries. Chevron, Monsanto, Coca-Cola, Chiquita, etc have all done similar. Just not on US soil, and that seems to be anyone here really cares about.
Unlike all the US based, unfriendly, human-rights-violating corporations that are already here, right? You realize that the Supreme Court is already trying to gut the right to strike in the US? They don’t hate China’s human rights abuses. They’re jealous that they can’t get away with doing it here without a slow roll.
I feel like the only people this REALLY disadvantages is laptop users, but you’re barely going to be getting desktop level RX5500XT performance out of a laptop unless it’s a high end model from the past maybe, 2 years, in which case, buck up and replace your RAM with 2x 16GB sticks. Plus, I don’t think anyone is going…
No one’s saying he should have said Jeremy was guilty and should be put away, but you don’t have to say ‘He would have been found innocent.’ That’s the point. You could have avoided the subject all together and say that you were glad that the judge found that he was unfit for trial and had he been forced to stand…
That’s already what Alex Jones did. Almost literally.
The thing is, if they became a new country, fine. Where are they going to get a military? Or money to pay for imports? Or pay for roads? That area doesn’t produce that much that couldn’t be produced elsewhere for cheaper. When no one wants to buy your Idaho potatoes because the ones from Oklahoma now cost less and are…
But people still live and work there. Who do you think staffs the hotels and restaurants in DC? That’s the point. Should living near where I work negate my vote? Do all the non-elected federal employees not deserve to influence federal law just because they don’t want to commute from Arlington or Silver Spring? If…
Are they really trying to blame their security failures on someone sharing the PUBLIC IP address? “Well, sure I left the car unlocked with the keys in it, but the 30 people that knew that weren’t supposed to tell anyone!”