
The gray car to the left is the Ford Focus ST Diesel. No, they aren't taking a page out of the Volkswagen handbook and calling it the STD; it's also physically identical to its gasoline-powered brother.

I think Bird on Oppo has one. If this were a bit cleaner I would say all day. Too much fab work to pull it back together

he probably is fishing for something around 9 anyhow. I thought it was a Classic at first glance with the SE/Classic rims on it and the color, but one year off.

lol or beat on the price a bit since it doesn't come fully equipped

Even though that thing has evidence of a hit in the back (240 badge is off) it looks real nice. I see w123 benz wagons going for twice that. This is a great car that costs less than a new Hyundai and will last longer and stay classy. NP all day

I found that place in Maine :)

ah yeah, exactly. Part of the reason I moved out of there wasnt the money, it was the assholery that pervades around it

was it the same car? I cannot imagine too many of those being down there!

whaaaaa? crazy talk. Stunning

who needs a title on something that old? I would have jumped on that like white on rice. Title cutoff up here is 1995!

yeah I caught this guy in Branford, CT a year ago. Chased him in my BMW for miles just to hear that turbo spool about 100 times. Guy was talking on his cell phone oblivious the whole time...

If I am going to spend that much time and money on one, this would be full on for me. Love the Lancia, but this is 5 times the crazy to me

How to sell a small economy car, 101

I'll skip the makeout session, but this is great to see hydrogen isn't a dead option for the future. Go H!

I did it in a friends Fiat 124 spyder once right up main street in my hometown. Opened the trunk, stood it up and threw it in. Somehow it never got back to my friends dad. Ah youth. Oh and it wasnt a totally full size one, but still crazy

Great price. Too damn far away or that would solve alot of problems for a die hard Nissan fan I know who has rusty floorpans in his 60K mile 06 Altima who also keeps saying he needs a small truck

Nice price all the live long day. I knew someone that had almost the same exact car, didnt take too much to wake that lump up

Kind of like what my pops taught me about looking at the taillight of a car to tell the year when I was learning what was what with cars. Somewhere in there is molded the last 2 digits of the year. One simple trick!

Just as Chrysler as helped bailout a slumping Fiat