
agreed 100%

roger moore wants his rendering skills back

All of this, yes.

CP, if I wanted to row my own without a pedal gimme one of these

CP, if I want to shift without a pedal gimme one of these

VW Concept One hit the show circuit in 94, so I am pretty sure it beat most everyone else to the retro trend

should have been the serpent eating the name

agreed 100%. That apex looks tasty right now in fact

haha if he wants to stick that on his car, more power to him. Fuzz is going to target him like nothing else though.

good lord man...both your posts are looking/sounding unreal

"Whether you have 8, 10, 12, or 16 cylinders"

advertising French cigarettes, as it should be

looks like a 405 that got flattened like a pancake. Would hoon the hell out of it though

yup they sure did. Mine even worked! turbine rims were sweet too

For serious? CP! I bought my last Mercury Colony Park, 1991 with working a/c, no rust, new tires and 60K on the clock for $800. Sold for $1200 and that was a stretch. Here it is even, wood grain was nicer

good lord that Delorean test track is creepy



I wish it was a solo run so I could [not] hear the Miata. Pretty cool stuff! Wonder what it has for batteries, and how many runs it is good for betw charges

Was at an auction last year with tons of GTX and GTR's - with the condition it may be worth it, but CP for me