It's OK to be Catherine

Yes! These “exit interviews” are bullshit. When they talk about filming in a middle-of-nowhere place without a car to get out of there in the middle of the night, being the only two women on the set of a movie that just recorded a violent sex scene that was more violent to what you consented to - yeah - I dunno. What

I haven’t had sex in years. So much hype and work for nothing.

My problem with bad porn is that it often includes negative body language especially from the actresses(es) showing boredom or pain. By presenting this still as ‘sexy’ and having them pretend it feels good, you’re basically teaching boys to ignore these signals.

What I find very interesting is the information that they film the women involved after the scene was shot to have video of them saying they weren’t raped. This sounds like a male studio exec’s idea - no one would want to say she was raped just moments after she was while being taped surrounded by her rapist(s). Talk

Before I started reading the comments, I mentally prepared myself for a whole bunch of, “When you work in porn, that’s what you get,” grossness. I am delighted to find none of that. Good on you, Jez community.

I had to stop reading about halfway through. This is why I don’t date anymore. Most men think this is what sex is. This isn’t sex. This is snuff.

Caitlyn Jenner: just another selfish, rich, clueless white lady. She can go suck it with Susan Sarandon.

This. This. This. Everyone needs to read behind the scenes shit for porn.

I read an article once (unfortunately, I can’t remember the title or author now) that explained it well: A lot of guys who watch this kind of porn are angry that they can’t get “hot girls” to have sex with them. So watching violent porn fills two needs: the fantasy of having sex with an attractive woman and the

This should be required reading in all high schools. Kids should know what they are watching. If you want to watch porn, fine, but know that not all porn is the same.

I find it utterly terrifying. I am so worried about the girls of the future. There are dudes that watch this shit and think it’s normal and consensual....

What the fuck is going on in the world? Who wants this? Why? what the fuck

There’s this thing called rape culture...

I’ll have you know Flat Earthers are my dirty little pleasure. No matter how bad the day has been I can watch one of their pseudo intellectuals’ YouTube conspiracy videos and laugh with true joy.

Surely there’s a difference between standard teenage awkwardness, and adults trying to get you to do something awkward on camera for money. (I’m not saying anything inappropriate actually happened, but “teenagers are awkward” is not a valid defense here.)

So I guess all the assholes come out to play on the AV Club on Saturday?

Oh heavens, an internet stranger has called me a name. However shall I go on.

Yes, when the actor is a child, I do expect them to work around things that freak her out in that way. Especially these days.

Jesus loves those with better trigger discipline.