It's OK to be Catherine

Underrated comment. 2 stars (as I write this) is criminal.

When she says he’s “more handsome in person” it looks like she’s about to grab a knife and fork and eat him right up, y’all!!!

I would like to join this group even if it turns out to be a cult.

If I could have Adam Rippon and Lin-Manuel Miranda as my personal life coaches, I could take over the entire galaxy before lunch.

Hendricks was friendly, almost cooing

My old man who had been there with me from college graduation to marriage to the pregnancy from hell where he never left my side had such severe dementia when I was about to give birth. Was a week away from having our daughter when we had to put him down because he refused to eat, could not understand day/night

I feel like dogs always die whenever a new baby is coming or born. Depressing.

I’m so sorry, it’s so hard to lose your best friend. He looks like he has the sweetest soul.

I’m so sorry you’re losing your very good boy. It’s hard even when they live a long, good life.

Some of the most misogynistic men I’ve ever met have been gay men. I am a lesbian, and I’ve heard it all.

All the hugs. It’s so hard.

A very, very good boy, who loves you very much and knows you’re doing what’s right.

Like the way many gay men refer to women as “fish”? Yeah. Over it.

This Saturday, assuming he makes it that long I have to say goodbye to my sweet bo who I have had for 14 years. He’s at least 17 and it’s time but it sucks.

Alternate title: Publicist Does Her Job, Jezebel Writer Doesn’t Understand His.

I bet it’s really frustrating to try to promote your work, only to have it derailed and ignored by someone throwing a tantrum because he only wanted to talk about his interests, even though you’ve already made your views on that topic clear in the past ... just not with him.

Why are you here? You don’t like us and we don’t like you.

This was an interesting read. Thanks for parting the curtain on interview scheduling, I was dying to know all about that process. Making a woman uncomfortable over a man’s bad behavior isn’t the framing device I’d have gone with, I don’t think, but then I’m not a man so...

This article is one long bad take.

The bigger issue here seems to be why you feel entitled to her answers, and why you think that she should have to talk about Matthew Weiner just because she has spoken out about sexism in the past.