It's OK to be Catherine

Oh, I know. Her complicity in his racist BS has been covered in my other comments.

That would make sense. Do you think she’s behind the diet of 100% fast food?

But aren’t you speculating about her background of abuse?

I don’t care about her either. At all. Just curious.

Because he’s a liar and you are foolish to believe him. He is racist. He has a long history of racist comments and actions.

I don’t think he’ll be around to see that day come, with his diet and his obesity. She’d better get out now and save what’s left of her soul.

Oh, I see some of that too. But I also see someone who knew exactly what they were signing up for, and did it anyway.

Nothing at all? I hope she’s built a good stock portfolio. Or is really good at saving.

As I keep saying, what a deal. To be married for the money to someone so repulsive you hope he continues to cheat on you!

Oh, I don’t doubt that for a second. He has enough self-awareness, or is advised by people enough, to know that he has to buy silence. What a deal, eh?

What a life. Not for me. Costs in the cost-benefit ratio far too high.

I know - that’s what I’m saying! How could you want to be? How. Riddle me that, you crazy ionized.

When Melania speaks in public it’s very very clear that she doesn’t speak English for prolonged periods of time. So that fits.

It still is.

Well, she’s sending him a clear message with this. The fact we can all see it too is a happy by-product. I don’t think we’re the real intended audience.

I’d read that. I think he just starts the next one before the current one ends. And then there’s affairs that don’t become relationships, ie Stormy Daniels whilst Melania was still recovering from childbirth.


A lot. And she still isn’t leaving!

Yep. And then started running. I don’t feel sorry for her, given the decisions she has made and her willingness to repeat the birther crap all over the shop, but it probably needs to be a lot of money that she gets. A lot.

But how does she stand it? What is the price she has to pay for? If it’s being wealthy, she could have left him and either fought for a cushy divorce settlement, or married someone else rich?