white guilt makes you stupid
white guilt makes you stupid
You’re too stupid to realize just how stupid your comment is.
One less worthless piece of shit for Jezebel’s white-guilt libtards to virtue-signal and whine about!
They ARE trash, though.
White guilt makes a person stupid and you are proof.
You’re proof that white guilt makes a person stupid.
fuck you
LOL at some Gawker/Jezebel asshole (YOU) calling ANYTHING ELSE “propaganda”. Pot, meet kettle. Dipshit.
only idiots like you give a shit
Hey look! Bullshit white-guilt propaganda on a (former) Gawker Media site. How rare!
Why do Africans and African-Americans like to set people on fire so much? Whether in New York, Chicago, Dallas, New Orleans, Ferguson, South Africa...
Jezebel ignores South Africa! SHAME ON YOU
SJW shit is finally dying, but the SJWs don’t realize it yet, because they are so naive.
Jezebel still deliberately ignores South Africa and what it means for Europe and the USA.
“On the cover of his new album No My Name Is Jefferey, Young Thug (Jeffery) donned what Julianne Escobedo Shepherd rightly called “a sort of origami creation;” a magnificent periwinkle gown in which he resembled a cross between a geisha and something you might hope to find garnishing a cocktail.”
Disgusting cultural…
It’s a glaring omission for a website that declares itself to be “woke”.
“The color of one’s skin does not make one prone to criminality.”
You’re correct, of course it doesn’t. That would be silly. Criminality has a lot more to do with the 2-repeat and 3-repeat MAOA alleles and serum testosterone levels.
Diversity isn’t just skin-deep.
It worked on you.
Meanwhile, there are multiple violent riots every single day in South Africa, including schools and universities being burned down, but Jezebel sees fit to constantly ignore it and instead posts “international news” like this.
Is it just that you are naive? Or do you not know how to find a South African news website on…