It is the height of irony for American “progressives” to side with Maduro in order to feel like they are on the right side of things and be against Trump.
It is the height of irony for American “progressives” to side with Maduro in order to feel like they are on the right side of things and be against Trump.
Sounds good to me, a physical wall is a really dumb idea in the first place.
I often choose my politicians based off of what I feel their seasonings situation is when eating.
If the government could just get more revenue from the rich people we could all live in an egalitarian utopia, no effort on our part at all, a good life can only come from a strong federal government!
It’s the ADL, they will find a way to fudge the statistics for a perceived political gain.
This just got interesting, I wonder if GMG will also delete their intentionally libelous tweets and blog posts about this teenager as well.
Preach the hate!
Honestly, I cant wait!!
I thought being civil was a sign of weakness though, the more uncivil they are the better! At least that is what I read here on a daily basis lol.
Fake news backfire! Doh!!
Lmao, the media really shot themselves in the dick by getting caught pushing a fake narrative and are furiously trying to backtrack to save face, thing is though that ship sailed long ago..
“Ignore the video proof and just concentrate on how much you hate these people.”
For those of you traumatized after reading these completely insane tweets by the bad people please remember to hang in there, and suicide is never the answer.
“Dear Deadspin Readers:
Get to the back of the mob!!
Well this didnt age well!
I feel bad for cardi b's daughter
Oh man first the buzzfeed one and now this.. a lot of fake news coming from splinter lately!
Maybe Mueller is actually an alt-right co-conspirator with Russia, has anyone looked into that?!?!? No, of course not..
I think you just cracked the case scoobs.