500 Days of Alexandria

For one, I’d say the interview she did on PBS Firing Line should show you everything you need to know.

She does good in her online echo chamber known as twitter, it’s real life interviews where it starts to fall apart and look like a progressive version of Sarah Palin.

Flagged for hate speech.

That's some high level cringe right there.

Homophobia is ok as long as the target is a right wing person.

But what if they are “hate books”?!

This would effectively shut down the majority of GMG-approved commentors on kinja though.. does not compute...

Checks out, Government can solve everything as long as they have enough revenue.

But can we get a twerking member of the house of representatives in 2020 please!

Corporate blogger destroys know-nothing simple person!

Dont forget doxxing random people from dating websites, I think one of their targets ended up committing suicide if I remember correctly..

Ohh, I need to tell them about my idea for a recurring blog post titled “500 Days of Alexandria" where the writer and commentors all.. well you already know

This is a completely normal thing for these people to do, I bet they are not psychopaths IRL.

At what bracket would the 70% rate kick in?

Found the anti-globalist

People get triggered by the weirdest stuff.

This is like when a Confederate flag-waving person says that it is about their “heritage”.

Maybe AMLO is looking to take a stab at authoritarian socialism, ah la Venezuela.. Except of course AMLO would do it the right way so that it works and doesnt result mass starvation.

I saw this ad the other day and it spoke to me in ways I had never even thought of before. Full disclosure, I am CIS Male.

The women’s march organizers are a diverse group of mainstream activists that wield political power for the betterment of women’s issues in the US.