500 Days of Alexandria

Elon Musk Bad!!

Example 13683 of big tech ushering in a 1984-esque reality. 

Breitbart and sites like Huffington post are basically the same thing on opposite ends of the spectrum, maybe that is what Facebook meant.

Hell yeah brother, Google rocks!!

It's time to nuke the ice caps and get it over with already.


If they would just vote to go all electric the hurricanes will stop.

Lol, TIL deadspin speaks truth to power.

That's deep, mind blown..

Yaaas qweeenn

We must have complete control of the Facebook, and all messaging must be approved by the ministry of pop culture once it is created.  For the good of the people!

A bunch of buttholes in Washington and around the world just collectively clenched.. lmao

The youths love gizmodo, I see it all the time on their facechat.

With regards to “those that don’t have a voice”...

That has been happening for years on lots of articles, more links make the piece look harder-hitting I think, nevermind if all the links go to their own previous articles or link to nothing at all.

Filed to: Illegal memes

Friendly reminder that Epstein committed “suicide” and can no longer implicate other people.

3 journalists killed in the last 2 years?


Steve Kerr is like a slightly more masculine version of the pajama boy meme from years ago