500 Days of Alexandria

Wife got me a smoker grill this year and it’s awesome. Gonna cook a bunch of barbecue chicken drumsticks this weekend, mmmm cant wait..

This is like the 10th time yall have pushed a made up story for the sake of divisiveness.


It’s dangerous for whistleblowers right now, lots of people out there trying to assassinate them.

The educated and good people of America should band together to prevent the impending execution of the whistleblower.

If we say it clearly incriminated him enough that will make it true, right guys?

By my calculations 96% of the world’s population are helpless due to climate change, imperialism, colonialism, concentration camps, fascism, gerrymandering, trickle down economics, RWNJs, DINOs, Moscow mitch, Nancy Pelosi, gentrification, orange man, Brazil Hitler, coordinated international misogynistic attacks on

Modern mainstream politics is like the WWE for people that consider themselves informed and well read.

“Right now, we’re fighting for our rights as Chipotle workers

I like how the Russia stuff all went away and people were just like hmph, well lets impeach anyway!

I also enjoy trying to make people's heads explode, well done.

“We expect better behavior while questioning you in bad faith to generate headlines we want to see in the news.

The gun control crowd is really just a bunch of faux outraged privileged people.  For proof just see their focus on “assault rifles" when like 90 something percent of gun murders are with handguns.

Filed to: Pajama boy hijinks

Lmao wtf is brownface?

Didn’t it turn out that Warren was actually related to someone in the US army that was commended for killing indians in the 1830's or something like that?

So brave.

Oh did some people tweet something, that sucks.

The average GM worker already makes 63$ per hour when benefits are factored in, which is more than any other popular car company.

Thank God there are people willing to be offended by everything for the sake of saving humanity, keep it up everyone, doing great!