5:00 in Wonderland

@Dayv: A panther is the same thing as a cougar. Then again, so is a puma but that didn't stop them from using it twice, who's to say they won't use it 3 times?

@Wansai Ounkeo: Apple doesn't have to directly compete with Nokia to take its profit and market share. Maybe people are expecting more and more from smartphones. These aren't comparable to cars in the way you've suggested because features are essentially the whole point of a smartphone as compared to a dumbphone,

@BedsideRogue: Hey, at least we'd get a few precious nanoseconds without the existence of Justin Bieber.

@Felic_the_Cat: No, but one would imagine that, while more dangerous, shooting a padlock from point-blank would be more effective, both force-wise and aim-wise.

I don't know what's inside. But whatever it is, it's most likely in a crappy condition after being nearly perpetually dropped for at least three minutes.

@MacTodd: save that for the ladies, MacTodd.

@PinkSabbath: Speak for yourself. I, for one, am heartbroken,

I'm surprised by how not morbidly obese he is.

@crankyguy: I don't use the tablet I have now while holding it; I put it on my lap or on a desk. That's also what I would do if it were two inches bigger.

The more I read about all these new Lenovo models, the more clear it is to me that somewhere in that company, some old IBMer yearning for a return to 1984 just said, "Fuck it, we have no idea what the future of computing will be like, so we'll just make one model each of every single thing the future of computing

seriously, when is that one company going to take the risk and make a 14 or 15 inch convertible tablet?

@moeblw: I've been doing that for years. I just never expected it to still work afterwards.