Man, I can’t wait for 2024 when I get the read the followup article about actually making the car.
Man, I can’t wait for 2024 when I get the read the followup article about actually making the car.
Wonder if we’ll get really lucky and find The Storm on the Sea of Galilee rolled up in the trunk?
“It’s about as badass an El Camino as you could find.”
As long as they’ll have me, I’ll continue writing for them. Thanks for the kudos.
Personally, I’d rather be called an immigrant because of the badass theme music
I’d feel bad if it were Pat driving... but not Liam.
At one point does a car become so valuable that you’d rather have the driver die but the car be fine than the other way around? Also, assume the driver is something of a twit.
No, it’s exactly like every other damn safari 911 that you always throw up here and gush over.
Certainly not Siemens.
If he’s doing 120+ it means the highway is empty, which his not surprising in most of Arizona. So, lighten up. I’ve done these kinds of speeds on a motorcycle hundreds of times without incident. If the road is empty and there are no on-ramps, the only risk is to yourself.
Take a stroll down to your local Ducati dealer. Some of the screens (TFT i think) Some of the damn things look like a slot machine. Day riding is better (I guess) because you can see them better.
Unpopular Hot take: The Disco Volante is fugly.
“out of recycled tears of beetle owners” You could have a Jalop career... if you want it...
tow truck: “waht car should I drive into?
Jealousy is an ugly trait, Jason.
Be okay if it didn’t look like an F1 replica that someone had attempted to make in a shed out of an old Dutton.
Good god have mercy on your soul, you’re gonna get brigaded by all the pro-union types. I tried to point out that they’d long served their purpose and it turned into a blood bath.
Diesel emissions would like a word.