
Ya’ll have got to stop playing identity politics. Seriously. It’s not getting you anywhere. Trump will win because you don’t have a serious candidate. You were so obsessed with removing him that people got sick and tired of your shtick. They’re done talking about race, gender, sexual orientation, or any number of

The government....the government gets rich off medicare for all. 

Ummmmmm Nintendoland?!

I feel like every female solo vocalist sounds the same on the indie scene.

Love the hair, brrrrrohhhh

Would it shock you to know that almost every creator of anything you’ve ever consumed has had some dumb shit to say or think throughout their lifetime? 

Vote Blue No Matter Who is precisely the reason you won’t win. All you want is your power back and people are beginning to catch a whiff of your stench. Either put forward a good candidate or shut the fuck up.

They shot about a dozen missiles into the sand outside US bases. They even tipped off the WH to say they were going to do it to save face among all the idiots in the Middle East. Iran knows they would get their shit pushed in if they harmed an American or an ally. You’re out of your fucking mind to think that he

I hope it ends your smug self-righteousness.

Stfu and start acting like a woman....not a pussy.

Give it to a pseudo intellectual liberal idiot to turn wanting a baby into a bad thing. Fuck off, Riley.

Ok TLJ did not work because you can’t start poking holes in shit and tossing out established character arcs and introducing dumb fucking characters in the SECOND TO LAST FILM OF A 9 FILM SAGA. 

To be fair, white women are absolute dogshit compared to black women.

Since when did this site become homophobic?

The one thing Warner Bros has over Disney is the fact that they don’t alter the Looney Tunes to fit people’s delicate fucking sensibilities today. “Let’s make it so racism NEVER existed in our company, kids!”

Lul never

What words does he use to incite violence? Specifically.

you don’t expect twitch to bend the knee to one side of the political spectrum do you? 

You can probably count on one hand how many people care about your race.

Ya’ll are taking the troll bait. Can’t wait to see you lose your minds in 2020.