
It was definitely a very messy transition from season 2 to 3. I read an interview once where (I think it was Peter Berg) said that they struggled with how they wanted to kick off season 3. Eventually they decided that rather than continue where season 2 left off they wanted to leave clues along the way that pieced it

It was definitely a very messy transition from season 2 to 3. I read an interview once where (I think it was Peter

I would so much prefer you guys make money off guiding us to really cool and useful tech than by posting those interstitial ads.

I would so much prefer you guys make money off guiding us to really cool and useful tech than by posting those

They should’ve just called it the Matt Drudge Collection.

If my girlfriend institutes this we’re going to lose the house.

Relationships in the office aren’t worth the hassle. Stay away from that charismatic guy with the beautiful eyes and the great hands. He’ll hurt you over and over. If you have to marry that guy you think you’re so compatible with because you have the same problems, start squirreling away money in a secret account,

Did you sign up for the Similac program? They send you check coupons for $5 or $10 off formula every couple of weeks, and sometimes they even throw you a free tub. If you haven’t, lie and say you’re due in a month so you get more. Oh, and get your parents, in-laws and friends to all sign up too. They have no way of

Yes! We used Sam’s Club for formula and diapers- saved a ton. Plus, they take the Enfamil “checks”.

I’d pay extra for cable sports packages if it allowed viewers to hear what players - and managers/coaches - were saying.

Just remember when you do cheat it doesn't have to ruin your diet either. Sure you might have slightly slowed down weight loss but one meal every now and then won't be enough to cause that much of a setback. Just enjoy the tasty food and get back to it! Helps to keep you sane and you get to enjoy your food.

My strategy is to "cheat" when it is worth it. For example, if I am taking a trip somewhere that they are famous for BBQ you can bet I am going to crush some delicious BBQ while I am there and love every minute of it. However, when on my way there and I stop to get some lunch at your basic fast food restaurant I

Egon: [after a ghost train runs through Winston] I think that was the old New York Central "City of Albany"! Derailed in 1920! Killed hundreds of people! Did you catch the number on the locomotive?

Dan: You're a loyal sidekick, but I don't know why you wanna make me run through what you already know, but ok, this "research" you speak of is not your friend: The Yellowhorse website says, "Yellowhorse is a certified 100-percent-Native American owned and operated business," right? OK, now here's a link about the