
2009 green Kia Sportage with the 4 cyl automatic. I’m the only one on this dumb earth that has one and I’m kind of an introvert loner. It’s perfect.

I watched it last night. I 100% believe that WoF saw that they picked the million dollar envelope from the spinner and changed the puzzle.

“I didn’t notice she was black”?

Just kids plying their craft.

Also Rich Hill is James Comey.

Those Victornox knives are great. I bought a chef, slicing, and paring set years ago after seeing the America’s Test Kitchen rec. They’re razor sharp, the handle never gets slippery, and they’re light enough to use for long periods of time.

Those Victornox knives are great. I bought a chef, slicing, and paring set years ago after seeing the America’s Test

As a high school teacher whose district has spent about a bajillion dollars on giving every kid their own MacBook and on online textbooks and all that stuff, kids absolutely hate reading on the computer screen. They don’t comprehend anything and are always tempted to flip over to something else. Every year I have at

In my shower/tub combo, when I turn the shower handles off and the tub/shower diverter knob goes down to drain the rest of the water from the pipe, I have to run my toes under the water that drains out. It started when I was a kid at my parents’ house and there would always be some soap suds on my toes so I’d rinse

My mom suggested this to me with my older son. We did basically what you described and it was closer to a week but it worked. The key for us was consistency. No “I’m tired and can’t we just this once use a diaper”. It has to be that when grandma watches them, when mom watches, dad, etc.

Who’s the $40M sponsor? My vote’s on that Papa John troll.

The most annoying thing to me is the constant after-play arms out and palms up whoring for flags by receivers and DBs. Unwatchable.

I flew a lot as a non-rev standby passenger and got the SSSS all the time. A gate agent told me that late additions to a flight manifest are more likely to get tagged.

I can’t say enough good things about that Honeywell fan. On the “1" setting it’s almost silent and moves enough air for a nice breeze over you. Even on “3" it’s fine to have on while watching TV. At $8 (twice that at least at big box) I got another one just to help move the A/C’d air out of the floor vents for the

I can’t say enough good things about that Honeywell fan. On the “1" setting it’s almost silent and moves enough air

I post this every time about that Brother printer...

I post this every time about that Brother printer...

First, thanks for also being a teacher. I just reflexively can’t do anything like that. After a last contract where the school board cancelled our health insurance and caused two teachers to miss chemo appointments and a half-dozen teachers’ kids to miss school-required vaccinations, I don’t do a single thing extra

I spelled “mullian” wrong. It’s supposed to be “mullion”. On the other hand, I bet without looking up the word you didn’t know that word existed.

Their argument is that because they fund the district, I’m a hired employee for them. If a parent come sup to you saying this, nothing you say will change their mind.

There are relatively few problem parents but, like problem customers, bosses, etc., it’s always the problems that eat up 90% of your time. The bigger issue is that it puts kids in a really tough spot when teachers ask kids to put phones away and parents expect immediate responses. A colleague at the middle school had

I don’t know if there are other teachers around on here, but that type of attitude is really common towards teachers. I’ve heard lots of variations on that theme. Off the top of my head