
Capri-Sun makes a product called “Roaring Waters” that are the perfect size for a single large summery vodka drink. They, when mixed with about 3 oz of booze, also get nice and slushy. Pour 3 oz booze and one pouch of Capri-Sun roaring waters into a large solo cup, place in freezer on cookie sheet, and jostle once an

Sounds crazy but lots of people work in professions where they can’t just get up and go to the bathroom. That puts a huge hitch into drinking water during the day. On one hand it’s bad but on another hand it makes you mindful of what and when you drink during the day.

BTW did anyone else feel like Rawlings-Blake was having the absolute least amount of fun possible?

I agree about everything. It’s in an out of the way place in my house but it’s got a nice big screen, the app is pretty good considering an HVAC company made it, and it was pretty easy to install.

I agree about everything. It’s in an out of the way place in my house but it’s got a nice big screen, the app is

We had one made by Royal Sovereign and I learned something very quickly: make sure you look into whether there is anyone near you that can repair these. I live in Chicagoland and there was one person in all of Chicagoland who would work on these if they broke (which mine did several times) and I think he is retired

We had one made by Royal Sovereign and I learned something very quickly: make sure you look into whether there is

My 2 cents - make sure that you also preheat it like an oven. I thought when I bought my first toaster over that I should turn it on, throw my food in, and it would be done. The heating elements are really close to your food so as it is preheating, the ambient heat is low but your food underneath the element will

Just an FYI with that Brother multifunction printer - the paper tray has a precariously-paced spring that pushes the paper tray up as the paper gets used. The spring comes out very easily and is bent in a way that it can’t be replaced. Brother knows about the issue and the warranty is very short. They eventually sent

Just an FYI with that Brother multifunction printer - the paper tray has a precariously-paced spring that pushes the

Also, don’t schedule participation-based meetings during lunch unless you give set-aside time to actually eat. Nothing bugs me more than when a 45 minute meeting in scheduled during lunch (I’m a high school teacher so there’s no time flexibility on either end of the meeting - gotta go teach) and everyone is expected

This is EXACTLY how easy it has to be for people to register. Now if we had automatic registration, then we’d really be talking! Thanks for posting this!

I’m sure I’ll get flamed for this but I downloaded it so my 4 yo and I could walk around. We are very casual players and have never had a technical issue. Maybe because I’m not pushing the app very hard?

Also it will allow NBC to smash cut to some tropical storm or Westminster dog show when half the damn stadium collapses because the general contractor used bubble gum instead of construction adhesive and pocketed the difference in cost.

I just finished Before the Fall. I wouldn’t pay more than a couple of dollars. Without giving too much away since it is kind of a mystery, the most pivotal characters are the ones you know almost nothing about until the last 30 pages. When I got to the last ten pages, right before the big reveal, I literally said out

I just finished Before the Fall. I wouldn’t pay more than a couple of dollars. Without giving too much away since it

I live in the district that elected this guy - it’s a perfect Republican storm of very wealthy people who salivate when they hear “cut regulation, low taxes, free Wall Street from gubmint oversight” and low-country hill people who think said gubmint is coming for their guns and Jesus. He came in and replaced a Blue

I wish Amazon would roll all these mutually exclusive services into one (hopefully discounted) package. Something that included Prime, unlimited Audible, and unlimited Kindle books. I’d spend a week’s worth of overtime pay on that.

I wish Amazon would roll all these mutually exclusive services into one (hopefully discounted) package. Something

I completely agree. I swam in high school and played water polo. I haven’t been seriously in a pool since my mid-20s (Not in my mid-20s now) and don’t think I could keep up with even an average high school swimmer now. It just floored me that a bunch of lax bros were blithely demeaning olympic talent.

His name is Eric the Eel. I’ll probably get blacklisted for saying this, but Rick Reilly had a good piece on him about 12 years ago. I think he was from Equitorial Guinea. He showed up to the games with nothing and his whole country's contingent had a budget of like $300.

I feel very much the same way. I’m a HS teacher and there are so many content books to keep up with plus all the YA lit that I just don’t have a ton of time to explore (admittedly some I’m sure very good) self-published stuff. A shame but a reality. Thanks for helping!

I feel very much the same way. I’m a HS teacher and there are so many content books to keep up with plus all the YA

About the “average Joe” in the Olympic trials..I’m fully on board with no need for most track and field events and things that are obvious. That said...I was at a work BBQ with a bunch of my wife’s d-bag bro co-workers and the Olympics came up. They were endlessly shitting on the shooting, archery, water polo, rowing,

I found these pasta making attachments are PRIME garage/estate sale pickings. If you see “kitchen stuff” in the description, chances are a pasta-making attachment is in the mix!

I’m usually a “put it on hold at the public library” person but I have students who want to do a summer book club for a few books. I looked and they’re not available. I think I’m gonna pass. Thanks for taking the time to reply!

I’m usually a “put it on hold at the public library” person but I have students who want to do a summer book club