Why doesn’t my butt hole slam shut like a door when the poop comes out? Does my poop know I hate when people slam door? -Trump Voter Deep Thought
Why doesn’t my butt hole slam shut like a door when the poop comes out? Does my poop know I hate when people slam door? -Trump Voter Deep Thought
“sword of Damocles” - Star for this reference.
“internecine” - A star for this word alone.
Well Deray said “he” had not contacted any families, but are you telling me something he wrote that he saw fit to be vetted by his attorneys (versed in entertainment and journalism law I presume), did not involve any due diligence checks by said attorneys in which they could verify accusations. It may be true, not one…
It actually sounded like the $160k was compensation, not taken from donations but from capital raised or a grant which wouldn’t be problematic necessarily, unless the expectation is that an activist can never profit from their activism which is kind of crazy. I have nothing to add about all the other shit but the…
I’d like to provide some context which may help you understand a bit more how this could happen. The pow wow circuit around Texas and Oklahoma has many very light skinned participants selling real “Native™” merchandise in full traditional garb. This demographic would also participate in the dancing during the pow wow…
I have a c-note that if convicted with a serious jail sentence that she scores a pardon. She’s a star in a MAGA favorite melodrama.
Unity was my father being called a “towelhead” and myself being called a “fucking Arab”. I wasn’t the least bit surprised.
“wandering around a Texas-area Chipotle with an AR-15 on your back”
This poor child. Fuck all the “adults” who put her in this position. I sincerely hope she has moved past this.
“They like the knowledge that they could murder a teenager in a hoodie with a bag of skittles and an Arizona ice tea if it came down to it.”
“whoever relaxes one of the least of these commandments and teaches others to do the same will be called least in the kingdom of heaven, but whoever does them and teaches them will be called great in the kingdom of heaven. For I tell you, unless your righteousness exceeds that of the scribes and Pharisees, you will…
Someone in Mississippi coming out against interracial marriage? I’m shocked! Mississippi’s been fucking black folk for centuries and now someone wants to have a problem with it?!
Me: Sets an impossible standard in order to support capital punishment.
So I guess the current system of capital punishment shouldn’t exist.
Well what you state doesn’t meet the burden of unquestionable evidence in my head. I wouldn’t consider eyewitness testimony or lab results as unquestionable so I could not support that system of capital punishment.
I support the death penalty, but only in cases with: unquestionable evidence, a coercion free confession; and direct video evidence of the crime, which effectively means I cannot support the current system of capital punishment in any state.
It would have only taken one juror to say there is too great a question as to the young woman’s time of death resulting in an automatic life sentence, but no, emotions>logic.
No! That would never happen in Texas! They took him to Whataburger.
THIS. In this model of governance an “other” will always be necessary. When one is dispatched another “other” is necessary. It is also an accelerating cycle as it eventually eats away the safeguards that protected any “other” group.