Fourth Prize

I know many people often say that apologies don’t matter, or that they’re usually too late, but this was a very well-written and seemingly genuine one. This is about the best anybody can do who has said something hurtful in the past.

I’m a Slack admin for our company so guess what option won’t be enabled...

And WHERE is LeVar Burton?? Honest to god, Jeopardy.

Oh yeah I always liked Viva la Vida and thought the ones before that all had at least 2 or 3 alright songs on them (the rest wasn’t really my thing but I had no beef with it). Their part in this comparison is definitely more defined by the later stuff. In that regard, it’s well deserved though, wouldn’t you agree?

Gonna jump in to defend Coldplay here even though that’s probably anathema on AVC. Sure, their recent stuff is soulless horseshit, but I stand by the opinion that Parachutes and A Rush of Blood to the Head are genuinely incredible albums, and Viva la Vida was solid as well. It’s been downhill for them otherwise

I’m going to go ahead and start the rumor that the washboard player from the Lumineers is also down with the Proud Boys so we can toss them in the trash too.

Yes and...The Lumineers are even worse.

IMO they’re the worst band that are regularly in the musical rotation at restaurants and businesses, that’s why the concept of them getting cancelled has had me in a good mood all week. I knew it would be over eventually but it would be incredible if coming back from the pandemic I could count on not hearing that shit

Boring middle-class white people everywhere are absolutely OUTRAGED right now at this brave yet controversial commentary 

I'm going to make a very brave and controversial statement. Mumford & Sons is awful. Like, easily one of the worst bands I've ever heard in my life 

Can’t say I’ve listened to much of his music, but I am so impressed by how he’s built himself into this guy everyone likes over the years. He’s a vampiric goth rock star kinda thing, but intelligent, but also extremely nice, he plays golf, he isn’t problematic in the slightest, he just comes across as a good person.

Alice Cooper is the real deal. See him live. It’s worth it.

Oh shit, I agree with a Daily Mail comment.

That’s the dumbest damn email I’ve ever read.

Stay hydrated everyone. We’ve got a lot of graves to piss on.

Just before we have some of the usual ‘Cancel culture gone mad!’ comments, no, she is not being ‘cancelled’, she is facing the consequences of using a public platform, the internet equivalent of shouting out in the middle of the street, to make questionable comments, and Disney would rather not have to deal with it.

I’m a trickster.

70M+ still believe that, and that's the problem. 

mmm, flavors of bigotry...