Fourth Prize

The Killers give Jimmy Kimmel a quarantine concert from a secure bathroom location

You know, we all need GIF party right now. It’s so perfect during all this social distancing.

Hollywood is willing to put up with all amount of assholery in direct proportion to some talent*profitability formula.

Imagine being so deranged you’re defending it

The Alabama of Canada

I left in 2007 and never looked back. 

Oh yeah, now I remember why I don’t move back to Alberta.

Now playing

The satellite TV Channels was one of my favorite running sketches from the old Conan show. The absurdity level was always at 11.

Just one of the most talented musicians in the world. 

She’s great.

A Rebels game would have been great

She is spewing hate, that’s it, that is all she’s doing. Any redeeming qualities she might have are drowned out by the vile nature of her beliefs.

“The figures strange plastic eyes stare at me, as if peering into my soul itself. The figure is a bizarre caricature of me, its head larger than its body as if teetering on the brink of falling off, weighed down by the burden of life itself. What knowledge does this thing contain? What wisdom? What secrets? It looks

Now I want a Star Wars edit where Han shoots Trump first 

No, it's the children who are out of touch. 

Suzanne Somers was the only Chrissy that mattered.

That 3 day long respawn rate kind of kills it...

Was that Pillboi as a villager?!

I really dig the no nonsense old western tone of this show. It keeps me interested without scenes that leave me thinking “that was silly” amd takes me out of it. There’s no over-dramatic music, no huge stars to distract from the story or mood...