Fourth Prize

The answer was literally The Answer this time. 

In the distant future when the Oscars do their In Memoriam section can the just run this clip with Paul Rudd's name for him.

1. There should be more hurricanes.

Keep awful, outrageous ideas to yourself?

Agreed.  Everyone knows stuff from China is propping up LeBron these days.

Bill Walton did the same shit. He’s actually 7-2 or 7-3 but he always listed his playing height as 6-11 because he thinks 7 footers are considered freaks. Here’s a picture of him with 7 footer Robert Parish.......

You can’t prove that Kevin Durant isn’t two aggrieved Twitter users standing on top of each other.

Draymond Green’s a dick-and-balls-kicking asshole but he’s also right a lot of the time. For every can’t miss prospect like LeBron or KD or Zion, there’s a dozen guys every year who have the potential to have long, productive careers in the NBA and never get it because they don’t land in a situation that’ll help them

I understand the players are caught between a rock and a hard place. But this has to be one of the most craven capitulations to money I have ever seen by a major athlete. Should have kept quiet. His rationale is bullshit.

Tough to be an MLB pitching coach when you refuse to work with lefties.

It was a private account, and she’d only granted access to people she considered trustworthy friends. This would be like someone sharing information from a group chat among friends and family, and then you coming along and saying “wELl tHeN yOu sHoUlDn’T hAvE cONveRsAtiOnS wITh pEoPlE yOu tRuSt!!”

Oh yeah, I had a Penny Hardaway poster in my room and a Penny Magic jersey growing up for some reason.  I’m not even that much of a basketball fan...

I go back and forth on that. I can see him drinking pills right from the bottle, but I can also see him being a Tom-Cruise-style scientologist type who thinks that any medicine is weakness. Especially the ones which have vaguely foreign-sounding names.

Shea Serrano’s the man. He’s such a talented, witty writer, and I love how much he reps South Texas and other writers. Not that this means much coming from me, but I def. recommend his Villains and John Wick podcasts. They’re highly entertaining, and it’s fun to hear someone who genuinely loves pop culture chat about

Me who complain that the #metoo movement or “woke” culture changed the rules are tacitly admitting that they’re misogynist, or racist; etc.

They’re the epitome of aggressive mediocrity.

Go get that shine box Mickey!

I don’t know Mickey. Sounds like you insulted him a lil bit.