Fourth Prize

Shea Serrano’s the man. He’s such a talented, witty writer, and I love how much he reps South Texas and other writers. Not that this means much coming from me, but I def. recommend his Villains and John Wick podcasts. They’re highly entertaining, and it’s fun to hear someone who genuinely loves pop culture chat about

Me who complain that the #metoo movement or “woke” culture changed the rules are tacitly admitting that they’re misogynist, or racist; etc.

They’re the epitome of aggressive mediocrity.

Go get that shine box Mickey!

I don’t know Mickey. Sounds like you insulted him a lil bit.

the K Wing is the Rob Liefeld of Star Wars fighters.

Or, tell the MLB.com video player that your new bosses suck shit.

Really? I could have sworn we were at war with Jenna Elfman just last...

I hope the title is “Obi-Wan’s Damned Fool Adventures”

This not a celebration of his death. It is a mourning that he will not be here to face the consequences of his existence.

He was a horrible man and I’m glad he’s dead. 

Can’t we have our escapism to escape ?

Getting back into a baseball game after you’ve already exited the stadium? That’s the very definition White privilege.

If you’re mad about this you are a garbage human being. Especially in a game already loaded with product placement and egregious microtransactions.

Ciudad Juárez have suffered enough, the fuck.

These owners really need to stick to sports.

I knew 90's nostalgia was real.