Fourth Prize

She WAS married to Johnny Depp...

he just became far less attractive to me, and she, far more.

Aw man!  The Joker is wearing my go to suit.  Now people are going to think I’m weird.

*sees no one else has posted yet* I think Thom Yorke’s first solo album was his best.

I can see that they’re going to be taking a lot of liberties in this “movie”. They are taking myth and presenting it as reality. There are absolutely no prehistoric animals in modern day Atlantis.

Personally I think Iron Man, as the cornerstone of the MCU, would be the better choice. But it’s an impossible decision to make.  So don’t!  Do both movies!  If 2008 is the single most important year for superhero movies, it can be singled out for special treatment.

NBC didn’t “send him packing.” The story goes that after five years he was exhausted and knew he was going to lose most of what was left of the original cast, and thus wanted an extended hiatus to retool and overhaul. NBC, which was in dire straits ratings wise at that time, weren’t prepared to jettison him at all -

I’m not sure anybody really knows what ZMF looks like.

Davidson’s always funny when he’s bashing himself in the process, but I don’t know whose idea it was to include the “stay in your lane” bit. There’s absolutely no one at SNL who believes entertainers ought to keep their mouth shut about politics so it’s not a point they ought to be arguing.

You skipped right over the part where that Matchbox Twenty dude is the showrunner.

The first guest, you guessed it: Frank Stallone.

Long live NORM.

Has a rising star ever fallen this hard, this fast?

Schnatter is the Papa John's Pizza of humans.

Found the defensive MAGA asshole

“There will be no funeral, no repast, everyone get the hell out of my church” MY. CHURCH. This strike anyone else as hugely fucked up? 

Eh, predictable. Just like his mom, he couldn’t resist the West.

Right? The Earth should have been a disc.

This is, without question, the absolute worst logo I have ever seen.

going away for a while to nurse your wounds, another Holy Week move