Fourth Prize

No one will ever beat Sean Connery and his classic delivery of the line “The name’s Mario, Mario Mario.”

I have given a name to my pain, and it is Johnny Pain.”


Now playing

Now let me use Pilotwings to browse the folders on my computer similar to how they do it in Jurassic Park.

4 Time NBA Defensive Player of the Year Ben Wallace?

They left out the Altered State of Drugachusetts.

Bryant “Big Country” Reeves says “don’t be surprised” if Lebron ends up in Vancouver next year.

It’s Les apalling than most puns I’ve seen previously.

On Corellia, amid the bantha farms and rolling hills, the cantinas and Dex’s Diners, Mr. Kilian’s presence can make hardly a ripple. He is the First Order sympathizer next door, polite and low-key at a time the old boundaries of accepted political activity can seem alarmingly in flux. Most Corellians would be

Considering the experience he went through getting pushed around by studio execs while making Alien 3, I’m not surprised that Fincher would want to avoid making any franchise film, let alone a Star Wars one.

Meet me in Temecula, Lonzo.

Were you sent here by the devil?

Repeatedly Susan

If the West Wing does come back, then there's a chance that my erotic West Wing fanfic may some day become canon.

So that's how you get your "Yacht Sex" badge.

I just assumed they meant 'Scaramanga,' Christopher Lee's character from The Man with The Golden Gun.

Look at you, college boy, with your fancy education and wearing pants. Round here, we wear jorts and ain't nothing wrong with that.

Please have the Muppets come in for the next AV Undercover series.