I noticed that too but my posts are still “pending approval” even after having my account for a decade. This is the last comment I make. Go to hell, Kotaku.
I noticed that too but my posts are still “pending approval” even after having my account for a decade. This is the last comment I make. Go to hell, Kotaku.
This is exactly what I came to find. That’s what I saw too. The boulders were stacked and then one was pushed off of the other.
Just another product we can’t get our hands on.
Poor Mr Homolka, all he wanted was a PS5... :(
I am the Captain now!
Do you know that you linked an article from 2016 about the 10-- series cards?
you may have noticed some of our sister sites have been given a similar treatment over the last few months
Corporate business models these days revolve around shareholders, not consumers. That they’re consumer-facing is only an ancillary concern, as long their shareholders benefit. It’s a shit system on more levels than I care to dive into in this brief comment.
they want to kill off the USPS so it can be privatized; that’s why Trump appointed DeJoy, who owns stock in a competitor https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/amid-political-controversy-postmaster-generals-stock-holdings-renewed/story?id=72374726
Privatizing the USPS has been a Republican wet dream for a very long time. This is how they thought to get the dominoes falling.
UPS and FedEx.
They want to kill the post office.
I am not an alcoholic. I’m very sorry about your boss though.
Can’t be sad with ice cream!
No Man’s Sky has an incredible community and Hello Games has done an amazing job making up for their broken promises and underwhelming release.