
Do I sense sarcasm?

Still too harsh IMO especially as King Kong only tried. Godzilla also have to try staying fit so a good workout with KK wouldn’t be a bad thing.

What have King Kong done to you?

Congrats to Arai on the winning picture.

Using newest updated version of Google Chrome on Win10 Pro.

Play more and buy less so I can cut down on my backlog. I also hope to somehow getting my greedy little hands on a 3080 (Ti?).

Finally found the FO2 picture I were originally looking for.

I think Trump did it so when the amount is change to say $2000 he can brag about him making sure people got that sum instead of the $600 when he tries to get elected in 2024. Also note a lot of the people he has pardoned will owe him.

How can it be wasting a day to enjoy the natural wonders of Nevada? There is no better way of de-stressing than enjoying a day out in the wild - as long as you don’t irritate the local animals too much.

While out strolling in a small city in Denmark about 30 years ago a white De Tomaso Pantera slowly came gurgling past me.

Congrats to Sciteach on the whinnying picture.


Guess the movie.

Ah, thanks. That game is on my Must Have list but haven’t bought it yet as I found out I have too many good games already which I am slowly getting played. Am currently playing “Horizon Zero Dawn” on PC, the only game that very nearly got me to buy a console back when it was released.

I’m actually not sure Zack himself always knows himself. Btw, what game did you place the monolith in?

Don’t know, are you using a Monocle?

Congrats Kerning on the winning picture.