
I grew up during the Cold War as well. This is NOTHING like the Cold War. You’re a fucking idiot, and so is our shitbrain president.

So did I, and there wasn’t anyone in the Exec. Branch back then who was nearly as unstable and unpredictable as this guy.

“Please.. I grew up during the cold war. Was worse then”

You had a fascist in office that ruled like a third-world-country dictator and had the emotional maturity of a toddler?

So did I. It’s worse now. Go back to yelling at the blacks to get off your lawn.

I grew up then as well. You’re full of shit, Comrade.

Ahh baby boomer, that explains everything.

1) Tweets are tech.

However, I know of someone who is likely smarter than 99% of them.

Having academic accomplishments, no matter how strong, in one field does not make you more qualified to comment in a field you did not study than the real experts in that field.

It’s a classic approach by anyone who wants to back up a scientifically unsustainable view with an appeal to authority - find a Phd or Prof.

I’ve looked at your link, and I can tell you quite plainly that Motl is wrong, and that furthermore, buying into what he says makes you even thicker than he is. He claims other people are throwing up straw men, when in fact the reverse is true. The geological history of climate change is not up for debate, and

amazing! you’re smarter than 97% of climate scientists. where did you study

You don’t have to agree with me. Contrasting terror and horror to explain plot construction is pretty basic narrative discourse 101. If you’re not very knowledgeable about the subject, it’s okay to speak up and say “hey, I don’t know a lot, but that doesn’t seem right to me.” I’m totally willing to have a chat with

Sounds pretty sci-fi. I like the idea of some explorers stumbling across a vast underground archive of these discs in a few millenia and discovering exabytes of cat videos and snuff porn

Please learn what the word “theory” means. What you have is a hypothesis not a theory.

Not with that attitude it won’t be mister!

How can a flat object be hollow?

“I always figured we were just seeing the second world after the loop got created and never saw the first.”

Batman has a huge impact on me. The 60s show dominates my DVR and when there's a new movie with him I go and see it and buy the blu ray. I try to follow his principles. Is he real?