
That you’re a straight man and feel there could be shame assigned to your assessment is obviously a commentary on our society’s failures. I’m a senior officer in the US military and very straight and even I can see that’s a good butt.

I lived in NE Ohio for thankfully a very short time, it is a crushingly depressing place filled with a lot of people with “Stuck in Ohio” stickers on the back of their Chevy Cruzes or whatever the fuck pickup trucks. It’s a trip through what America used to be.

I could give a shit about boxing but I’ve got a brother who’s a field grade officer in the US Marines who’s in Iraq right now. For those that don’t know (of the 4 that will read this) a field grade officer is as high as you can get before you become a desk jockey quasi politician jerkoff.

The Chinese Navy, or their army navy or people’s liberation army navy or whatever the hell they call it is a goat rodeo. Without stealing shit from the US Navy and buying shit from the Russians they’d be on the same unintentional comedy level of Iran’s waterborne target gallery or the People’s Democratic Liberation

Fighting daesh is a given regardless of the President, they’re not so much an enemy as a pestilence.

I didn’t smile or laugh at any of those, that reaction can only be sullied by trying to explain it.

Stars are stupid but I wish I had 50 for that.

I’m in the military and starting a long time ago I realized I was incapable of listening to him speak without having an overwhelming urge to throw a coffee cup through the TV. Now I have to go from 20 Jan until he/it gets impeached having to mute the TV everytime my “Commander in Chief” speaks.

I’m a pilot in the military and have had a couple knives I’d forgotten about in packed flight suits/boots end up the property of a TSA agent but the best was when I had my helmet/oxygen mask in my carry on, even with my military ID it took about 10 minutes for 3 of them and their supervisor to let me through.

Fuck Curt Schilling

The trapezoid defined by those 2 lines is the only place behind the goal line he can handle the puck without getting penalized, it has nothing to do with protection.

If you’ve ever noticed in the course of a game the average snap is made between 5 and 10 seconds left on the play clock. If the snap is made with 5 seconds on the play clock the QB (and the green dot play caller on defense) have now gone 10 seconds with no coaches able to tell them anything (like “hey you know that