
Yeah, but you have to admit that guns tend to help murder along. You can look at gun deaths in any country that bans them vs. the U.S. and see that. I do agree, it’s largely how you raise your kids, but I’ve known many assholes who had great parents, and I think you do too and are willfully ignoring that fact to

And guns make it ridiculously easy for crazy people to kill someone.

But if everyone was strapped to the teeth with all manners of guns nothing like this would ever happen again. That is what the NRA and gun nuts tell us all the time. If everyone had a gun then there would be no crime or gun violence.

wow. Over a fender bender. Guns make all situations more dangerous. Sad.

To all the people saying I overreacted...

No, it hasn’t. We just have mass shootings every few days and thousands more gun death than pretty much every other first world country. I guess that’s a win, huh?

“its ILLEGAL in all 50 states to own a full automatic weapon without EXCESSIVE licensing”

Despite all of the stupid comments you’re receiving, I stand with you.

The trend is disgusting. I mean, look at it. Look at how it’s always women being targeted. And yet, there’s always some con-fucking-venient excuse about why they “deserved” it.

No. Fuck this.

“I think companies really need to get out of the habit of hiring SJWs just because the internet demands it.”

Wut. Do you have any proof that Nintendo held the hire up as this thing or that? A press release, maybe? Do you even know if they hired her since the label of SJW has been bandied around? Do you have anything to

I actually agree with you, to some extent. I do agree that sometimes when you are involved in some sort of fight that your company doesn’t want and you’re in this type of job representing them, you have to let their wishes override your own. Perhaps she could have made one statement on it and then move on and hope it

The main problem with the Internet is that it is an echo chamber. No matter what your views, you will find people who support them.

You’re the only one that has actually been reporting on this stuff which is shocking. though I also feel like if we don’t have a discussion about this now, then this will be forgotten in a day and it will happen again. We also should not forget about the others before this either. I am still disappointed in this

It’s very telling that Neo Nazis and racists are supporters of the Gamergate agenda.

I think companies really need to get out of the habit on firing people because the internet demands a sacrifice. It only encourages people to continue using toxic behaviors to push their agendas.

Positive reviews on Steam don’t really mean very much. Most are just jokes.

You missed the key difference between what Ms does and what everyone else is doing. Ms is locking their OS down by default and routing all developers into their services. In order to escape that situation you have to go through a consumer unfriendly process. The sort of thing that makes most gamers throw their hands

Except the way Microsoft is doing it is WAY differernt than what Valve does. Microsoft wants to Lock It Down and Lock it to DX12. Encrypt your Save and Executable files. Prevent Devs from selling through other channels. And rub console-ites ALL over the glorious PC. Try installing modes on that crap.

yeah ... except epic is a car manufacturer that wants control over their cars while microsoft is the city hall that wants control over the roads.

Well, Valve doesn't make it so that you have to write the game heavily integrated with Steam and then have a hard time offering it elsewhere.

The biggest problem with the current system is that SLI does not work and games run only in Windowed Fullscreen mode. Also overlays that show FPS, performance enhancers etc. do not work on the platform. This turns off serious PC gamers wanting performance, people that Microsoft SHOULD try and get on their side.