No, this does not work like you think it does.
No, this does not work like you think it does.
Except Dao WAS entitled to his seat BY LAW. He asserted that right; the plane refused to afford him the seat, and he was taken off which was an incorrect action by the airline’s OWN ADMITTANCE.
Except you do have control. David Dao proved this by refusing to deplane. He was taken off by force, and for his “childish” behavior, as you authoritarians would call it, he received:
Then you are part of the problem. The ONLY way to change who is in power in this country, short of an actual coup,is by voting.
We’re fine, thanks.
Personally I don’t use their app because it isn’t integrated with Juicero.
I don’t think any of this or any of these arguments about how or when or if you have to pay people have any weight in the Bahamas. I’m pretty sure that they would be subject to Bahamanian employment law, which may or may not be more or less strict than ours...but it’s certainly different.
Not wild dogs, but just wild pigs.
Can someone tell me what happens if they can’t serve McFarland? I mean, he has to be aware that there’s a bunch of lawsuits against him directly. It seems to me that flying back into the US from the Bahamas might be a strategic error, as he will be imemdiately served with the lawsuits from the plaintiffs if they can…
I’ve lived in rural areas in Arkansas and Georgia and was born and raised in South Carolina. Lived in Oklahoma for 10 years. So I know all about rural roads.
By using the word beclowned, you’ve unbeclowned yourself.
No, not really. That’s low hanging fruit.
They’ve been test-driving these things here in San Francisco for a while now. I know Manhattan is bad, but I’d put our shitty streets up against yours any day. Our parking spaces are just as small. You have snow. Big deal. We have massive hills and multiple types of streetcars.
How is it being “taken” Do they no longer have their culture when you “take” it?
Why? It’s not like you need to worry about being hit by one.
I love those jokes.
Most contingency fees are between 33%-40% of the total.
I have not seen anywhere where the airline has said that this guy was not wrong to resist.
So if a crew member instructs me to strip naked and sing the Star Spangled Banner at the top of my lungs, I am *legally* obliged to comply?
You have it exactly wrong.