I think this is kindof a reverse Zeno’s paradox, maybe?
I think this is kindof a reverse Zeno’s paradox, maybe?
The car does some interesting things. There’s a spot where an SUV driver is trying to park but having difficulty; at some point the robot driver moves around the car as if it is an obstacle and it has determined it’s safe to move far to the right to pass. Kinda cool.
This video is in San Francisco. I’ll have to be on the lookout for these now.
I make my own every morning at home. Nutribullet all the way for me. But since this thing is at work and it’s free (to me) might as well enjoy some juice.
Garlic! What about garlic?
That’s a very expensive dirt bike accident.
So um...can’t he just turn the boat perpendicular to the dock? And board from the back?
Yes, but because rain and inclement weather wears down even the best roads all the time, roads will *always* need to be repaired and rerepaired and rererepaired. Might as well try this in the meantime.
I bet it does too. But putting fruits and veggies into a device that sends out juice, like you say, has some drawbacks:
No, YOU are a hilarious idiot. The bag clearly contains chunks of fruit and vegetable matter and some liquid; the machine squeezes juice out of the vegetable matter in the bag leaving just the pulp, flattened completely. I use one of these things a few times a week.
Well, maybe, but then you wouldn’t be able to order any more since they require you to have the juicer machine before they deliver more juice.
Yes, but it’s the stuff they don’t get where the nutrients of some veggies can be found. But I’m going to try it myself.
I’ll do my best tomorrow at work and try it.
Right, you can’t get the same effect with your hands. When was the last time you tried squeezing a bag of watercress to get juice? How much did you get?
It feels delicious. First. World. DELICIOUS.
Well, I’m sure the hell not going to pay that for juice. But my company does, so I’m gonna enjoy it while i can...
Supposedly the veggies are chopped, but there’s still some liquid in there. Seems like kindof a mushy mixture, a cross between pulp and chopped.
It’s pretty good, yes.
Some vegetables are hard to get juice out of. Try squeezing a bag of parsley with your hands and see how much juice you get.