I think his argument was that the media spends more time focusing on Trump’s sexual behavior rather than alleged corruption of Hillary. That’s what he meant when he said she was “fascinated by sex.”
I think his argument was that the media spends more time focusing on Trump’s sexual behavior rather than alleged corruption of Hillary. That’s what he meant when he said she was “fascinated by sex.”
No, his argument was that the media (whatever that may mean) is focused on Trumps sexual predator behavior, rather than on Hillary’s policy decisions. He pointed out that multiple media outlets spent a lot of time discussing Trump’s Access Hollywood tape, but not as much time covering Hillary’s (alleged) corrupt…
I think the argument Newt was making is that by putting Hillary in the White House, you are putting someone who he considers a sexual predator into the East Wing. That his, he will have power by being able to influence Hillary. There is some logic to this. He’s not running, but he was a president, and will…
I actually agree with him. I am an avid Hillary supporter. I hate Trump.
We live in the Good Times, where you can laugh at these sorts of tracts because they are hilariously silly in an ironic sort of way. But for people who grew up in an evangelical family, or who were bombarded by the sorts of teachings this man promoted, he was no laughing matter.
Warren. Or, from the west coast, Gavin Newsom.
Trump is a Bullshit artist. Meaning he says what he thinks you want to hear. He may believe some of what he says, but we have no way of knowing what he really believes because he breathes nothing but bullshit.
What everyone here is forgetting is that we have Trump as a republican nominee because of Hillary. That is to say, if Hillary did not exist, and there was no one “favored” from the start to be the dem nominee like Clinton was, thenTrump would have gotten nowhere, and the R. nominee would have been someone more…
“I’ll have what she’s having.”
So will they definitely be called the Raiders? Why not change the name? The Ravens and the Texans seemed to do well when they changed their names from previously named teams, (although the Baltimore Browns would have made no sense)
There’s always responses like this one:
I have to chime in here. There’s a fourth kind of Democrat that you failed to notice, and it’s odd because it’s arguably the group that has the largest amount of adherents in the party...that is, people who vote for Democrats who actually support the moderate democrat positions on fiscal and foreign policy issues,…
It means “tree gardener” but that’s not as funny.
It’s a good thing the abortion rights folks didn’t have their rally at the Polish football stadium. No one would be able to see anything, because anywhere you sit, you’d sit behind a Pole.
All of this is poor.
Well, that was certainly interesting to watch. But what’s with all the women with GIGANTIC glasses? Everything else they wear seems to fit nicely, but the glasses, without exception, were huge. Is Gucci single-handedly trying to make monstrous glasses a thing again?
Actually Napoleon invading Russia in 1812 was the dumbest decision ever. Hitler at least had a chance in Russia; had he not ignored his generals and maybe had the foresight to supply his troops with cold weather gear he might have had a shot.
I know you are trolling, and yet, ironically you are exactly right. The game, as an experience, is fucking incredible. I’ve seen some amazing planets and scenery that have blown my mind; there’s some incredible flora and fauna on some of these gorgeous planets, and yet all the haters can talk about is how the ending…
“And not everything will be possible when we ship the game, but we will be making this game for a long time.”