Why would Dany want a boney little twerp like Jon after having a Dothraki? Plus he’s all full of holes.....like making love to a colander. Plus he probably cries after sex..........bleech.
Why would Dany want a boney little twerp like Jon after having a Dothraki? Plus he’s all full of holes.....like making love to a colander. Plus he probably cries after sex..........bleech.
I’d up-vote you, but I don’t know how.
It could be worse, I guess? Looks like my account made it over, anyway.
I think it’s some sort of new dance craze, like “The Fidget Spinner” or “The Kinja”.
Yeah, I mean, disqus wasn’t exactly space-efficient, but damn. It’s like words peed onto a field of snow. And double-spaced so that you can make your essay actually reach 5 pages. Your snow pee essay, yes.
Oh hey, this post is centered. That sure looks a lot better
Danerys Targeryan doesn’t have time to fly a dragon halfway across Westros to save Jon before the White Walkers eat him but somehow she did it anyway.
“He also says he resembles Samwell Tarly the most, and given how much time Sam’s spent scribbling things into journals this season, we kind of see it, too.”
Thanks for the extra white space, Kinja. It really makes the JPG pop.