4D Checkers

Just be happy he got this in under 6,000 words

James Mattis was on the board at fucking Theranos. He’s not the ‘adult in the room’ that you think he is, and he’s clearly not a terribly smart guy. But he’s rich and he was a general, so I guess it’s good enough for your fantasy

That’s probably because you’ve decided on a narrative that you need to garrulously defend while you wait in line for szechuan sauce from a fast-food restaurant that you secretly adore while also reposting your love for how much you ‘fucking love’ science.

You literally stated that stopping watching might be the only thing that would induce real significant change. And that you are unwilling to do so. The handwringing argument comes into play when people acknowledge that there is a problem, but pretend to be completely powerless to stop it (like you, a craven dipshit).

To be clear: I’m a few episodes behind on Twin Peaks. I have enjoyed reading the reviews, but, outside of the most recent episode, they seem to have disappeared. I guess that’s okay from a click generator perspective or whatever. But it also seems like your (likely underpaid) writers are losing some of the exposure

Let’s just say I’m a couple weeks behind on a show. Is it always going to be nearly impossible to find a review of said show?